Nothing to lose

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I turn back to look at Serg, and he just gives me the thumbs , puts on his sunglasses and goes back to tanning.

I turn back around just to find Phillip in front of me.

I look up at him and then I look at the beers in his hands and then my eyes go back to his and again at the beers, it took a good five seconds for him to understand what I was doing "oh, um I brought you a beer."

I look at the other one "you have two" am I pointing out the obvious? yes, but I just want him to confirm that he drinks "Yeah this one is for me" he says raising the one that is in his left hand.

"And why the hell would you bring me a beer?" do you remember when I told him that I USE to drink NOT anymore because he clearly didn't pay attention "well earlier, y-you told Chase, Oliver and me that you drank."

I slap my forehead with the palm of my hand "what did I do something wrong? Or did I say something you didn't like?" He says a bit concerned, it's cute "Phillip, I told you guys that I use to drink, I don't anymore."

"I'm so stupid, sorry" I look deep into his amber eyes, he is truly a pure soul but I'm not gonna get all deep, feelings ew "Don't be sorry oh and-" I look back at Serg "that beer won't go to waist."

I start walking towards were Serg is tanning with Phillip next to me.

"Bitch" I say to get his attention. He turns his head to look at us and takes of his sunglasses "if it isn't the lovely couple" I've never held such a burning rage towards someone that wasn't my dad until now.

I look at Phillip and see that he is blushing witch makes my heart swell, he deserves someone sweet like him, not a bitch with anger issues like me "so did you guys just come over here to stare at the beautiful human being that I am" says Serge snapping me out of my thought.

"Oh shut the fuck up you egotistical maniac."

Serge rests his sunglasses on his nose, looks at me and then at Phillip "how do you deal with her."

"With a lot of patience" he answers, my jaw drops and Serge starts dying of laughter, did he really just answer Serge? I really thought he wasn't gonna say anything.

I start hitting Phillips arm and he just laughs "hey! Stop hitting him I like this guy, what's your name."

"My names Phillip Young, what's yours?" I roll my eyes at them making small talk "My name is Sergio Ramirez, so you are the guy that's driving my best friend crazy?"

A red color starts tainting Phillips cheeks and he just lets out a chuckle and puts his hand on the back of his neck "I forget you never shut up."

"Hey, when I'm listening to your boring ass stories I shut up and actually listen on like someone I know" I give him the biggest I roll ever "since the moment you got into this friendship you've known that I have a short attention span."

"Ugh whatever, now what is the reason for you coming over hear? I'm tanning" I grab the beer from Phillips hands "Phillip and I brought you a beer but if you don't want it we can leave" I say turning around, taking Philips free hand in mine and start to walk away.

"No, wait!" me and Phillip turn around, I knew he wouldn't let us leave "You never say no to a cold beer do you Serg, do you?" I say with a chuckle

He grabs the beer from my hand and opens the can "how could I?" he takes a sip and all of a sudden a moan emerges from his throat "this right here is happiness in a can, don't even try to prove me wrong."

"Phillip! there you are" we all turn around to see who it is and surprisingly, please note my sarcasm. It's Oliver and Chase.

I roll my eyes as they walk over to us, it's not that I don't like them, they're actually pretty fun to hangout with, but I just know that they are going to attract more people, and if you haven't notice I'm kinda of a bitch to everyone.

It's about 45 minutes later and I'm sitting next to Phillip with about 10 people surrounding us and talking.

It hasn't been as bad as I thought, am I happy with the situation? Definitely not, but do I want to kill everyone who so much as breaths in my direction? Also no, so I'll say it's going fine.

Phillip has done most of the talking, I'll maybe comment on a topic or let out a small laugh but for the most part I've been analyzing everyone around us, analyzing there body language, the way they talk, what they talk about, everything to say the least.

And what I've noticed is that they talk about pretty much nothing, or in other terms nothing important, nothing memorable. Talk about there houses, there families how the party's been going, and many more subjects that seem so idiotic to be honest.

And I realize that they ae not real friends, well maybe they are, but it's just because they go to school with one another five days out of the week, if it wasn't for that they wouldn't even think of talking to each other.

Suddenly something snaps me out of my thought, I look down and I see Phillips arm in an weird position next to my upper thigh.

I smile as I think that maybe he was trying to put his arm around my waist, but could it be?

As I think to much about it I come to the decision that maybe I like Phillip a little bit and I've got nothing to lose, so I take a dip breath, grab Phillips arm and put it around my waist.

Phillip turns his head and looks at his arm and then at me, fuck maybe he wasn't trying to make a move? I'm so dumb.

But then he gives me the biggest smile ever and turns back to the conversation.

I smile to myself and I rest my head on his shoulder, and snuggle up to his side, and this is weird but it feels right.

Hello! thank you so much to all of you for another 100 reads I really appreciate it, I don't think you guys understand how much it means to me.

So I didn't correct this chapter (clearly) but I was just so exited and decided to just put it out there. I'm really sorry my updates are so slow it's just that my family puts a lot of stress on me so I don't really have time for this "hobby".

Thank you so much and I'm really sorry to remind you but if you could vote and share it would make me really happy :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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