He maybe drinks

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I look in the mirror and realize two things, that I look really good in this bathing suit and that I also kinda look like a slut, BUT I have a solution for that.

If I kill myself let's be honest here the problem would be gone.


I speak the truth, the truth and nothing but the TRUTH.

I take one last look in the mirror and realize that the reason I look like a slut is because of my ass FUCK.

God had to give me the smallest boobs in the universe and then give me a fat ass WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT.

It just looks so fucking weird like what the fuck? I look disproportionate

I take a deep breath in grab on tight to my uterus and get the fuck out of that bathroom.

As I'm walking no one notices which some people might find it disappointing, but I love it, being invisible is just so good and fresh.

I see Phillip and I start walking over but then I fucking see he is talking to a large group of guys so I abort the situation and start looking for Serg.

When I see Serg I don't walk to no bitch I run "Oh my God bitch you look so good in that-" before he can say something I jump on top of him.

"YOU FUCKING HOE" he yells cause I'm pretty sure my knee hit him where the sun don't shine "how the fuck can you be so skinny but weigh so much" I roll my eyes.

"Oh I know it because of this big ass" he puts his hand on my ass rubs it and then slaps it with all of the fucking power in him.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER THAT HURT SO FUCKING MUCH" he just laughs "oh my god you should have seen your face."

I suddenly notice that everyone is looking at us "oh fuck" I say as I hide my face between Sergs neck and shoulder "Que paso princesa?" He says while playing with my hair (what happened princess)

"Everybody is staring at us" he laughs "it's not funny Serg I don't like it."

"Since when does Maya Snow care about what people think of her? Oh I know it's because you're with all of Phillips snobby rich friends" I roll my eyes "not all of them are like that" I mumble.

"OH PLEASE, you've always hated people like this" I don't like people assuming shit about me not even Serg "how the fuck would you know if I liked them or not" he rolled his eyes.

"Tell me if this sounds familiar 'oh my fucking God there are some people at my school who can go suck a dick, there are so snobby just because there rich and daddy didn't send them to private school DOES NOT MEEN THERE BETTER"

He did NOT have to come for me like that "ok, yes I did say that but" I do not argue "oh no please go on tell me, but what Maya?"

We just sit there in silence having a weird-ass staring contest, but I'm weak and my eyes hurt "FINE SERG you fucking win, I hate these people, I'm just fucking trying to impress a cute guy, is that alright with Mr. know it all?"

He looks at me with a smile that says 'I told you so, bitch' "With little old me? Oh, of course, it's alright I just needed you to say it" raise my eyebrows "I don't wanna know why" the answer was gonna for sure bother me, or keep me up at night.

"Oh well too bad too sad, cause I'm gonna tell you anyway," he says while getting up from his lying position to a sitting one and me, I just roll my eyes "I needed my daily ego boost" If you were wondering the answer is bothering me.

"Really Serge? are you for real?" he takes his sunglasses off "Of course I am Maya, usually I get mine from Lex, she is seven years old so I'm usually right."

We start laughing our asses off until Serg taps my shoulder "Hey, I think your future husband is coming overhear" I turn around and none the less Phillip is heading towards us.. with two fucking beers in his hand.

Hold up I know FOR A FACT that this pussy ass bitch does not drink, or maybe.. he does?

I'm honestly not gonna lie to you guys this chapter right here is a filler chapter, I swear next chapter will be better and more interesting.

And I know that it's so fucking annoying but PLEASE don't forget to vote, comment and share (Oh and let me know if I should change the description of the book cause it honestly sucks, so if you want to give me ideas, leave a comment.)

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