Chapter 11: shopping

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Okay school ended 2 hours ago and it's finally the time I have been dreading... shopping time.

When I arrive to goodwill I can already Serg standing in front of the store how long has he been there "hi Serg."

"Oh my God we're finally going shopping we've been best friends for our hole lives and we've never gone shopping how is that?" I roll my eyes.

I just don't like shopping I'm not a girly girl clearly but also spending money on things like new close seems pointless to me why would I spend money on a thing I've already got tell me? "Oh that's right your a freak."

"That's true but I didn't ask you here to come and chit-chat all though I love chatting with you" we start walking in the store "why all the sudden do you want to go shopping."

"Just cause" he raises his eyebrows "your Maya Snow you don't do things just cause tell me the truth."

I give him my honest face witch not gonna lie it looks like the face I'm doing when I'm taking a shit "Maya the truth" I drop the face.

"Okay, okay I'll tell you I'm going to a party."

"Oh my god, OH MY GOD why the hell didn't you tell me."

"Wait I'm not finished it's a" take a deep breath in the middle "a pool party" he looks at me with the kind of face you do when you look at the shit that just came out of you.

"Ew we came shopping for bathing suits at goodwill that's just gross well since you have no money I understand."

"Actually" I say that and then I pull out the 100 dollar bill "oh my god we're did you get that? Did you steal it from one of your rich class mates."

"EXUSE YOU NO I did not steal it from anyone, one of the GAVE key word gave it to me" he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

Okay so I'm antisocial but people let me borrow money I'm antisocial still trust worthy though geez "who gave it to then?" what the fuck.

"Oh fuck you and just for your information Phillip, Phillip gave it to me."

"Wait hold up is he the buff, tall amber eyed beauty" why did he just describe him perfectly but he did forget his magnificent jaw line God quakes when he sees it "um... maybe, maybe not."

"Oh my God I wanted him. Does one of his friends play for my team" I roll my eyes "I don know I haven't really talked to them."

"Ok but if one of them is tell him I'm on the market oh and give him my number" I chuckle.

"I'll be sure to do it but focus Serg focus we came here to buy a bathing suit for tomorrow."

"Yes, yes but before we start I'd like to ask one question" shit knowing him it's probably gonna be one of his weird ass questions "ok whatever ask away."

"If you have a 100 bill why the fuck are we goodwill do you like... what the fuck? I don't understand do you want get your vagina cut off?"

"I love that you make comments about my vagina and... I just wanted to give the money back to Phillip" I mumbled that last part and know I know what's coming.

"Hold up miss Maya Snow wants to give the money back."

Okay so you may be confused and I don't blame you so let me explain I need the money needed badly man so usually I would keep it but this is a special case it's Phillip so...

"Thank you really for saying it in that tone I love you too Serg."

"Oh you know what I mean and you know that I love you but let's just be done with this conversation and for the first time in a life time the two of us go look at close."


We've been here for hours HOURS I tell ya but me and Serg can not agree on anything.

I wanted one that was black and long sleeved so that it could cover up my scars on the other side Serg basically wanted me to look like a slut that's all I have to say about it.

And know I'm wearing a green bikini and just so you know the bottom behind part is basically none exiting because it's all up in my but crack

I come out of the dressing room "I hated I can't wear this not in my one privacy and most certainly not public."

He walks up to me and I don't know where this is going and I don't want to know "girly let me tell you, you look bomb AF and God gave you that little body of yours with that tiny waist and your round ass well you do kinda have boobs but that's fine."

"Fuck you and I don't care I rather burn in hell then go to this party in this fucking tooth floss bikini."

"Fine, fine whatever try this one on" he hands me a pretty read bathing suit witch I honestly kinda like it..

I try it on and look in the mirror.

Wow, WOW I do look good wait not good amazing you can't see the scars from my belly or back because I have a giant tattoo on my back I'll tell you about it later "come out I want to see you" come out of the dressing room "YASS QUEEN SLAY" I chuckle at him.

"I know I love it too."

"FINALLY we agree on something" I sit on his lap and laugh "do you think he'll like it" he smiles at me and hugs me tight and rests his head on my shoulder.

"If he doesn't he's just crazy because you look amazing" I hug him back and smile he always knows what to say to make me feel special "thanks for the compliment but I always look like complete and utter shit."

"that's bullshit your beautiful and if he ever breaks your heart I will personally rip his balls out" I laugh and rest my head on his chest "I love you, you know that right."

"I know and I love you too but get up because we need to buy you that bathing suit and I need to go pick Lex from her friends house" Lex is Serg's little sister and I consider her my little sister.

"How is she? I miss her I haven't seen her in a while."

"I know she always asks me when your coming over" I'm a little disappointed in myself it's been two months since I last saw her and it's completely my fault "well tell her I'm coming over on Sunday for family movie night."


"Really I miss her so much."

After that I got changed, we paid for the bathing suit, we got out of the store and we're walking home together "are you exited for tomorrow."

"Well I'm more nervous then exited" he starts laughing, what the fuck? "what's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"No please tell me" he stops and looks at me "it's just that I haven't seen you this obsessed with a guy since Jack" Jack is my ex-boyfriend.

"Yeah" I look at the street we're in and surprisingly it's the street we part "I guess this is were you go."

"Your right well goodbye" he starts walking away but turns back around "I almost forgot" he takes the bathing suit.

"what the fuck?"

"I have Phillips phone number so I'm going to wash it and bring it to you tomorrow" before I can even say anything he starts walking away.

"o okay."

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