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Niall Horan, blonde, young , homeless, afraid, and deeply depressed. Niall was kicked out of his home , and was forced to live a double life , keeping his home life separate from his life at school, which was a social nightmare. Liam payne, Cliche heartthrob? Not, typical bad boy? Much more. The two come from seperate, yet completely identical lives, and one day, the bully will live in the bullied shoes, and one day, the loveless will experience love. 


   "I experienced so much pain in my life, that i grew numb to it...but isn't it ironic that only Payne can take me out of this numbing pain? Its like fire being able to make another fire go out, it shouldn't be possible, but it can happen."....

(Section from the next chapter) Niall opened up the letter and sat down on the wooden bench outside of the super market.

" Niall,

     you wonder why people hate you so much....you wonder what you did, and im sure you always jump to the conclusion that your doing everything right.

your wrong.

these are a few things that are wrong with you.

1.) your hair- everybody knows its fake and the fact that you dont do shit with it makes it all look worse

'2.) your teeth- sure you got a rock and banged your horse teeth back to normal but you still have some ugly ass teeth. (in fact there so bad they named a store after you...the gap)

3.) your clothing- stop wearing hoodie's, im sure no one wants to see your cut up arms but please do us all a favor and WASH. THAT. DAMM. HOODIE!.

4.)your voice- you accent is so think i swear to god i might have lost my sister in it.

5.) your eating habits- its one thing to come into school spreading your horrid Niall virus but its a new low to eat every single spot of food in the school.

6.) your height- sometimes when your not being bullied, its because no one can find you.

7.) your gay- no guy in this school can bend over without feeling your eyes burn into our bum

im not being harsh Niall...im being real. the fact that someone for once in your life is being honest to you should make you feel at least decent. 

but just because im telling you what everybody thinks doesnt mean i like you.


so that was a teaser to this book. i hoped you liked it! (i got this idea from Awkward...my fav show of all time! #teammatty)   :D

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