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The Slytherin dormitory was in the dungeons; it was dark and cold. Classic. There were couches, armchairs, study tables, fireplaces, tapestries, a cupboard with emergency supplies, bookshelves with all the possible books one could want, huge cuddly cushions and more. Emerald colored almost everything in the Common room, not that I was complaining, I love the color.

"Me too," Carina says. Oh, so I'd said that out loud. Nice.

"At least we don't have the flaming red as the Gryffindors," she says stroking the granite on the fireplace, "It shines in your eyes."

I was glad too, that I wasn't a Gryffindor. The red would remind me of – a lot of a things I wanted to forget.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah," I shivered; it wasn't the cold. Not completely anyways. "Just a bit cold."

"Let's go to our dorms," she opens a door towards the far left of the room, adjacent the glass wall that outlooks the lake. Or rather, looks into it.

"How many people in a dorm?" I make a mental note of every turn we take. Left, down two flights, right, left, door at the dead end.

"Three to four," Carina steps in front of the door with our names. "Although other houses have about five to six. We have a ton more space than them."

"Great for parties then," I say.

"Yup." She holds the door wide open for me to step in. Hell, the room was huge.

"This," I turn around, startled, "is for how many people?"

"Three." She flops down a bed. "Me, you and Tracy. We're gonna be sisters! Also, we get an attached bathroom."

We'll see about that. I'm not exactly in the mood of having sisters and then loosing them too.

The room was long with the wall farthest the door made entirely of glass. There were three four poster beds with comfy looking duvet and pillows, emerald curtains and a bed-side drawer. Three individual study tables, cupboards and footstools were provided for the residents of the dorm. A wide floor-length mirror was placed parallel the beds, and a combined dressing table with vanity mirror. OhmyGod. Wow. A pristine chandelier lit the room.

"Choose a bed," Carina says, "and make it your home for the next one year."

Home. What even is home?

I choose one nearest the door while Carina chooses the one in the middle.

"Tracy can have the cold."

I look at her, she holds her hands up.

"Just kidding geez. We have a heating system." She says it with pride. Does no other house have it?

She reads my mind, "only we have this. Hence we're never too cold or hot."

"Wow," I breathe.

"However, that's gonna change this year," she says. I raise an eyebrow. "We're all going to be boiling because of the new addition to our house. You are smoking hot." She winks at me, again.

I play along, "I'm sorry, did you mistake me for a mirror?" I give her a cocky smirk.

She opens her mouth and then fans herself. "Phew, girl!"

I shake my head, chuckling.

"Also," she says. I swear if it's one more pick up line, I – "I'm not hitting on you, I just think you're really pretty and want to make myself appear friendly."

"Why? How do you look otherwise?" I tilt my head.

She licks her lips, "a bitch."

"Fits you," I motion towards her. Winged eyeliner, several piercings, fingers adorned with rings and Dr. Martens.

"Damn," she smirks, "you do know how to play along."

"I'm no player though."

"Of course not," she frowns, "I didn't mean –"

"Calm down," I chuckle, "I'm just messing with you."

She laughs and then bends down. She drags out her trunk – she drags out her trunk from under her bed.

"How did it -?"

"We're advanced," she smirks and sets it out.

Woah. What just happened to me?

What did she do to me?


Lestrange: Trouble never looked so good :P
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