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Much of my days leading up to the match were filled by a devoid silence as I avoided every possible question hurled towards me about my health with a tight smile. My friends were concerned to say at the least, but once they realised that they were going to get nothing out of their continuous questioning, they decided to give me space.

Instead of worrying about the gap in my knowledge about myself or the constant flood of emotions I absolutely wanted to avoid, I threw myself into to the Quidditch practices, practicing until my body was on the verge of breaking. It was hard, oh so hard. And painful. But this pain was way better that the one I could not control. Because it had a goal, a definite destination. Victory for my house. And I was going to get there no matter what. No matter what.

October runs away with a haste and November came instead to take its place bringing along the ever-threatening howling winds and storms. The morning of the match dawns cold and frosty. I get ready without any delay, butterflies flying around in my stomach.

Sitting in the Great Hall, I see several student wearing the 'Weasley is our King' badges. I direct my scowl at the blonde prick a few seats down.

"You'll be amazing, Celestia," Tracy chirps, gently caressing my hand.

"Absolutely amazing, I bet my fingers," Carina adds, sticking her fingers in front of my face. "Not to mention so hot like honestly, the Quidditch unifor – OUCH!" She scowls at Caelum, caressing her side.

I laugh alongside Tracy. Caelum shaking his head while eating his pancakes, "why do you have to make everything so – so gay?"

Carina narrows her eyes at him, "why do you have to make everything so hetero?"

Caelum chuckles, "touché."

"Anyways getting back to the point," Carina rolls her eyes, "you're absolutely gonna smash it out there."

"Yeah," Caelum nods, "don't hold back today. You've been working so hard; show them what you've got."

"Thanks a lot guys," I smile genuinely. Looking back at the porridge in my bowl, I scrunch my face, suddenly full.

"Also," I clear my throat, "I'm sorry for being so distant recently..."

"It's alright, Celestia," Caelum reassures. "We understand."

"yeah its just..." I bite my lip, "I feel like you deserve better than that."

Carina snorts, "yeah, and where are we gonna find someone better than you?"

Tracy nods vigorously, "for once I agree with Carina." Carina sports a triumphant smirk.

"Aish you guys," I chuckle, shaking my head. "I love you."

"Ah," Tracy sighs dramatically, "never thought I'd get a chance to hear that again."

I push her to the side, laughing. "Shut up, you douche."

We all share a hearty laugh before Malfoy comes up to us, telling me we must get to the pitch. I hug each one of them, while Malfoy awkwardly stands there. I laugh under my breath at him.

Once free from all their pep talks and hugs, we finally start making our way to the pitch, my broom on my shoulder. The cold wind slaps me on my face as we walk down the castle grounds. I shudder, suddenly wanting to run to my cozy bed.

The sun has not graced us with its presence today; the lack of light somehow makes Malfoy look slightly unreal. His eyes look like a whirlpool is trapped in those orbs. I gulp looking away. He may not be blessed with a good mouth, but he is certainly blessed with fckn good looks.

"All that back there," Malfoy starts, "made it look like you were going to a war or something."

I shake my head, "It might not be your first time playing a proper match, Malfoy, but it is mine."

He chuckles, "Still, wasn't that a bit too much?"

I raise an eyebrow at him, "surely it would have been the same for you when you played your first match?"

He says nothing, just stares straight ahead at the emerald adorned towers.

I clear my throat, giving him a small smile, "well, try to catch the snitch today."

He smirks, "and you, try to score."

I chuckle and wipe my nose which is running due to the cold wind.

"Do the Chelmondiston charge," he continues, ruffling his hair. "Imagine Johnson as me and just do it."

I crack up, "I don't think I need to do that. Seeing her will do a better job than me imagining your face. A lot more rage."

He looks at me incredulously, "you really hate her?"

"Hate is a very strong word," I sigh, "so no, I don't hate her. But no one messes with my friends." I crack my knuckles, a specific someone called Harry Potter coming to my mind. "No one."

"Wouldn't wanna mess with you," Malfoy laughs.

I scoff, rolling my eyes, "that's ironic, because you do it on a daily – wait no, hourly basis."

"Touché," he smirks.

We part ways as I head towards the female changing rooms. I click my fingers to turn on the lights and see that Adira isn't here yet. Shrugging, I simply change into my uniform. Adira walks in, looking questionably cheerful. I raised my eyebrows giving her an amused smile.

"Morning!" she booms.

"Morning...?" I laugh under my breath, plaiting my hair.

"Aren't you excited?" She swiftly changes into her uniform and orderly puts her clothes away.

"I am, but I am more nervous." I wear my shoes and double knot the laces. The knot in my stomach tightens.

"It's okay to be nervous," she says softly, "it means that you care about the result. But seriously," she slaps my shoulder, joining me on the bench, "you are going to marvellous out there. You've worked ridiculously hard."

I smile, exhaling deeply, "thank you."

She smiles back warmly, "let's get going now." She gets up and I follow her, grabbing my broom and slamming the door shut. We walk around to male changing room and Adira knocks on the door.

We are immediately let inside, to see everyone changed and sitting on the bench. I sit next to Andreas as he smiles at me. I give him a tight smile suddenly feeling the urge to throw up.

"No foul play," Montague said sternly, the silence hangs dead in the air, "We're not giving Gryffindor any chances for a penalty. Play fair. And play well."

The thundering of a few thousands of footsteps could now be heard over us and even some voices singing can be made out over the noise. Knowing well enough what song they were singing; I clench my jaw and tighten my fist around my broom.

"It's time,"Montague says curtly, "Good luck everyone." 

Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck around for so long. I'm really really sorry but  I had encountered a massive writers block. It seems that I have in fact overcome it and you'll be getting updates more regularly!

I hope that everyone is staying safe during these challenging times and please please take care of yourself and your mental health.

Love, Pramiti 

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