Chapter 5: August 1952

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August 1952~ Present Day, 11 Weeks

The next couple of days are hard for both Peeta and I. My parents were kind enough to let Peeta stay with us until we sort something out, the only space is the sofa-bed in the sitting room seeing as the only bedrooms in the house are my parents room and the room I share with Prim. I of course sleep downstairs with Peeta so that he is not by himself during the night. My Mom eventually adjusted to the idea of myself being pregnant but it's still a little tense between us, she reassured me that it'll get better over time, which I hope she's correct about.

There's a college nearby, about four hours away. Since Peeta isn't allowed to work at the bakery due to his Mothers request, he's using the money she gave to him a while ago for college personally to pay off the college closest to home. Peeta is studying to have a degree in teaching English Literature, rather than Business like his Mother previously demanded him.

The college had excepted Peetas application and expect to see him in September which is when the school year will start. It was also the college that Haymitch Abernathy, our old principle, had studied at. With a good word he got Peeta in too and it has made our lives much easier.

Peeta comes home in a rather happy mood. I raise my eyebrow in question as he kisses my cheek lovingly

"I think I found us a place. Haymitch offered us a little cottage that's a couple yards away from his own home. He said it's ours if we want it, rent free and all expenses paid for" Peeta says with a smile, I am immediately consumed with excitement

"Really?! Oh my god! This is amazing!" I squeal, hugging my husband

"I was thinking we could go check it out. He does live an hour out of town. So, only if you're feeling up for it?" Peeta asks me, kissing her forehead. I announce to my Mother and Prim that I'm going somewhere with Peeta before leaving.

The entire drive there was a little nerve-racking. The drive was silent until Peeta drove on the now dirty road. It's a huge piece of land with overgrown grass in some places and dead in others. Not exactly appealing to maybe people like Mrs Mellark.

There's a house with an almost yellow light shining through the window. It looks like it's in alright shape but not can be said the same about the cottage. I can't complain though, it's got a stable roof and walls so that's a win for us.

Peeta parks the car and we get out. Mr Abernathy is already coming out of his house with a bottle of liquor in his hand which isn't a surprise

"Welcome to my esteemed establishment" Mr Abernathy says mockingly

"Thank you, Mr Abernathy. This means so much to Peeta and I" I tell the man

"It's not like this trash of a town helps you in anyway. Oh, we're no longer in what you could say 'under professional circumstances', sweetheart. You can just call me Haymitch" the man grins and I just roll my eyes.

If I thought the outside wasn't appealing to others than the inside was just the same only maybe a little worse. It had a gross odour in its atmosphere which caused me to open a window which gave me a little trouble opening it. Paint is chipped on the walls. There's cobwebs, some with spiders in them, in the corners and dust everywhere

"She's a charmer, ain't she?" Haymitch grins, he leads them into what looks to be the kitchen. Peeta lifts the tap but nothing comes out, he even tries lighting the stove which also doesn't light.

We follow Haymitch up the creaking stairs where there are three doors, Haymitch opens one which reveals the largest room but it's completely empty aside from a dresser against the wall. Haymitch shows them another room which is smaller but is completely bare of any living life. Lastly we're shown the bathroom, the shower works but it takes five minutes for the water to start running for both hot and cold.

Haymitch leaves them to discuss, I look around the empty cottage who has probably seen better days. It may not be something to show but I'm sure that with a little fixing up then it will be a cozy home for them to start their tiny family, to gain success you've got to start from the bottom.

"I'm so sorry, Katniss. I thought that this was going to be better than it is. We'll go back to your parents house. I don't mind waiting a little longer to save up for our own place" Peeta says, taking both of my hands

"No. I want to live here. It's honestly not that bad, with a little fixing up. This cottage could turn into a home for us" I smile at my handsome husband. I can practically see our baby being born. Our baby's milestones happening here

"You deserve more than this. I was going to give you the world and now... I can't even do that. I'm going to fail as your husband and our child's father" Peeta frowns, I shake my head and kiss his soft lips

"You are my world. So is the baby. I want you and only you. We'll make it, Peeta. We can do this together" I reassure him

"Together" he whispers back in agreement.


"Mrs Mellark stopped me in the store the other day. She just bad-mouthed you and asked what I was planning for the future" Madge says. In school, Madge was just about the only friend I had during my years of schooling, aside from my cousin Gale.

"I'm not surprised. She did always want you to end up with Peeta. Either you or Delly. Instead he's stuck with me" I sigh, my good friend reaches over and places a hand on my knee

"I'm so sorry about your living circumstances" Madge frowns

"It's fine. We found an old couch and mattress in Haymitchs' storage. Peeta's going to save up so we can buy some more furniture" I reply. The move was quick and Peeta only had to make one trip to his home to collect the rest of his personal belongings, his Mother thankfully was in town at the time.

Haymitch has payed to get the water pipes fixed and the lighter on the stove replaced so the place won't be entirely terrible. My Mother, Prim and I spent the whole day in the cottage scrubbing, mopping and dusting the place. We even got rid of the odour and instead it now smells like lemon with a tinge of vinegar so it's not the best smell in the world but it isn't the worst smell

"I still feel bad. No one should live like that. Especially you and Peeta. Most of all because you're expecting, do you even have anything for the baby?" Madge asks and I shake my head slowly

"I'll tell you what. Seeing as my dad, the mayor, has a lot of connections out of town, he can get you working in a factory. You'll be packing boxes and lifting things that won't strain your back. You'll get paid, minimum wage of course but it'll help you and Peeta" Madge offers, I don't want to be someone's charity case but on the other hand... I've never worked a job before

"I'll talk to Peeta about it and I'll call you. Thank you, for the offer. I'm sure it'll help us a lot" I smile at her and she smiles back.

After discussing it over dinner with my family, everyone thought that I should accept Madge's offer. Especially Peeta, he noted that it gives us extra money and I could make some new friends. My Mother even said that it'll be good that I'll be on my feet all day, it'll keep me fit, just as long as there's no dangerous fumes at the factory then I'll be just fine.

The factory is huge but if she's being honest she's never seen a factory before. Madge was thrilled when I said yes to the job but was apologising constantly that she couldn't be there with me when it's my first day to which I kept answering that it's no big deal.

I get my name ticked off and I get told where I'm suppose to go. I'm escorted to the room where women are all stationed, packing brown boxes. The officer leads me over to two women at their own table, one has red hair with beautiful green eyes which makes her incredibly striking, the other is more stone faced with short chocolate brown hair with a single red streak and chocolate brown eyes to match

"Ladies. This is the newbie, show her how to do shit. She's limited to what she can do. You know the rest" with that the officer turns and walks away

"Hello, my name is Annie Cresta" the red headed woman smiles, stopping her packing for a moment to shake my hand

"Hi. I'm Katniss Mellark" I introduce myself politely like Peeta notes I should

"Oh, we know. Your Mother in-law is the devil incarnate. The bitch also has a loud mouth" the other woman says

"Johanna Mason. Welcome to the embodiment of hell"

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