Chapter 12: March 1953

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March (3rd) 1953~ 39 Weeks

"Are you sure your okay enough for me to go to school?" Peeta frowns

"Yes. We'll celebrate your birthday right when you get home. Plus, my Mother and Prim will be here with me later on in the day, in case anything happens which it most likely won't. You can't miss days off school" I reply, pushing him towards the door

"If anything happens, call the school. They will notify me. You promise?" Peeta asks as he puts on his coat

"I promise. Now, get out of here already" I answer, kissing his lips. Today is Peetas nineteenth birthday and even though he needs to still go to school, I promised him a dinner made by me although I forgot to get him a present which he reassured me was fine, no matter how much I cried about it.

After Peeta leaves, I decide to get some sleep. It takes a while for me to actually get to sleep but when I do I'm awoken not long after by a little bit of pain in my stomach, I take a few breaths before it decides to pass. I try to sleep but the pain comes every so often and it's impossible to sleep.

Prim and my Mom arrive about early-afternoon, by then the pain has intensified and has grown much more frequent. I'm not sure if these are still the fake contractions because I haven't exactly been timing them but I've been having the fake contractions ever since last week, I don't really think much of it until my Mom mentions something.

"Is something wrong, Katniss? You've looked to be in pain ever since we got here" my Mom asks

"It's just... these fake contractions are hurting... a lot" I reply, she looks at me with a raised eyebrow

"How frequent? How long do they last?" She asks

"Every couple of... minutes and they last about, I don't know... a minute" I pant, a couple of minutes later I let out a squeak as the pain hits again

"Mom... what's happening" I croak, I can already feel the fear growing inside me

"Primrose. Prepare the bed. Katniss, looks like you'll have a baby sooner than we thought" Mom says as Prim scurries upstairs, I shake my head

"I can't... Peeta... he's not here" I reply as the contraction passes

"We'll call him soon. Right now we need to get you settled" Mom reassures me, I nod in agreement and we wait for Prim to set up the bed upstairs, I'm overcome with fear as I realise... this baby is coming.


"Where the hell is Peeta?!" I cry out through one painful contraction

"He's on his way. He's making it as fast as he can" my Mom calms me. It seems that this baby wants out because it's only been three hours since the contractions got real intense and since my water broke. I'm already eight centimetres dilated which means I'm close to pushing but Peetas not here yet and I'm growing real impatient.

It's about an hour later before Peeta comes bounding up the stairs and bursting into the room, immediately running to my side, kissing my sweaty forehead

"I'm so sorry. I didn't get told till a while ago because I was in a do not disturb lecture. I got here as quick as I could" he pants

"It's okay, you're here now" I sigh, he kisses my cheek softly before reassuring me that it'll be okay

"Peeta, go into the bathroom and wash your hands. Make sure it's correctly done, thoroughly" my Mom instructs, he nods before briefly leaving my side to wash his hands. It soon drags on to night until my Mother announces to me that I am ready to push and I am absolutely terrified

"Now, Peeta. Sit behind her so she's leaning against your front" Mom says, Peeta nods and listens to her instructions

"Primrose. Get those warm towels ready" my Mother calls over her shoulder before directing her stare to me

"Once you get a contraction. I want you to push as hard as you possibly can until I tell you to stop" she instructs and I nod. Pushing wasn't what hurt but the contractions that came with it is what caused me to scream out while squeezing the life out of Peetas hands that are interlocked with mine

"Amazing, Katniss. Just another push or two and I'll be able to see the head" my Mom encourages. I push when she told me to but nothing was compared to how I felt when I felt the baby slip out of me, wails echoing in the room

"It's a beautiful baby girl" my Mom announces with a happy smile, laying the wailing baby on my bare chest, I look up at Peeta who has tears running down his own face, mirroring my smile

"Happy birthday. Hope you love your present" I say, kissing his cheek

"Nothing could add up to this. Best birthday of my life, I get to share it with my little princess. Niccola Camilla" he sniffs, rubbing her goo covered cheek, my terror has ceased to exist and instead it's replaced by relief and unconditional love for the baby I hold close to my bare chest.

"It's funny how she decided to come today, of all days" Peeta chuckles as our daughter feeds on my breast, he kisses the top of her head as she feeds which makes me smiles

"At least we can throw her first birthday and your twentieth on the same day next year" I chuckle in amusement and so does he

"Fine by me. Although, I don't like thinking that far ahead, I want her to stay this small forever" he sighs as she finishes feeding, I burp her like my Mom showed me earlier before handing her to Peeta, she lets out a little wail but once he lays her on his warm chest, she snuggles up to him which causes me to lay down, watching him with a content smile

"Will you be okay while I sleep?" I ask and he nods

"More than okay. Get some sleep" he smiles and I do too, the last sight I see is Peeta rubbing the back of our daughter lovingly before I'm pulled into the world of sleep.


"You suit Motherhood already, darling Daughter" my Dad grins as I lay Niccola, Lola as Peeta and I call her, into his arms

"Thank you, Daddy. She sure is a cutie" I reply, kissing his cheek before sitting next to Peeta, it's been three days since we've had Lola and already were completely in-love. Lola only sleeps at odd hours during the night but we hardly mind, she's the light of our lives

"That she is. She's much like you when you were born" he admits, looking down at his first ever Grandchild

"That's what I was hoping for" Peeta chuckles, kissing my cheek

"Do you not care having her born on your birthday?" Prim asks, Peeta shakes his head

"It'll be the best bunch of birthdays, wouldn't take it back for anything" Peeta replies

"I agree with you, my boy. I would've been overjoyed to share my birthday with one of my girls" Dad smiles and so does Peeta. We both watch happily as my family pass Lola around, Peetas Father comes just as Lola gets handed to Prim, he hands me flowers and a little bundle of bows for Lola which I was grateful for

"My... isn't she gorgeous" Mr Mellark smiles down at Lola as she lays in her Aunts arms

"Isn't she?" Peeta grins, Prim eventually gives Lola to Mr Mellark who beams down at the baby girl, I look around at my family and know that Lola has been born into a family who loves her.

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