Chapter 11: February 1953

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February 1953~ 37 Weeks

This point in the pregnancy I don't want anyone touching me or going anywhere. I'm constantly irritated and my back is constantly aching, Peeta at least gives me back massages which is pretty much the only time that I let him touch me, excluding when we go to bed. The baby really enjoys putting its weight on my bladder often and even on occasion will give off a kick to the ribs.

Today, though, is a day where I don't feel terrible. Peetas friend from college is in town and he wants to meet up with the both of us, having already met Finnick, I don't think I could go through lunch with him without being immediately agitated and so Annie agreed to come with us, which I thanked her deeply for.

We approach Saes Diner and as we enter I can immediately spot Finnick, who's already sitting in a booth by the far window

"That's Finnick?" Annie whispers, I nod in reply. Annie slides in so she's on the inside of the booth so Peeta and I are sitting on the outer of the booth seats

"How are you liking town?" Peeta asks, he looks to his friend after he didn't get a response, I roll my eyes when I notice Finnick staring at Annie who's currently studying the menu but looks up to find out why it's so quiet

"I'm sorry... I have never seen such a rare beauty. May I ask for your name?" Finnick asks Annie who blushes, I can't help but roll my eyes

"Annie... Annie Cresta" Annie replies

"Nice to meet you, Annie. I'm Finnick Odair, might I just say that you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" he smiles charmingly

"Down boy" I tease, Annie giggles as Finnick scowls at me

"I honestly don't know how you deal with her attitude, Peet" Finnick sighs jokingly, smirking in my direction

"I've gone through the pregnancy not sleeping on the couch. I don't plan on starting now" Peeta replies, kissing my hand which I smile at, Finnick huffs in annoyance

"She has you wrapped around her finger, my friend" Finnick says, I just roll my eyes once again

"Keep talking and you'll be strangled by a pregnant lady" I scowl at the handsome man, he grins in amusement before talking to Peeta about what he likes about the town. I complain to Annie how uncomfortable I always am, I also notice Annie and Finnick stealing shy glances throughout lunch and I know that there will definitely be something that'll go on with the two of them.

Finnick offers to drive Annie home, even though Peeta and I insisted to taking her home seeing as we brought her to the Diner, Annie eventually chimed in claiming that she didn't care that Finnick dropped her off, I honestly didn't mind fighting her on it due to my low social tolerance and so Peeta took us home.


Ever since my Mom said that the baby could come from next week and onwards, Peeta is constantly asking me if I'm having contractions when it's just the baby kicking me somewhere in my body, although it's cute, I find it highly annoying most of the time.

"So, I heard that you're starting something with someone I know? A Miss Johanna Mason?" I grin teasingly at Gale as he helps move things around in the baby's nursery

"I mean, it's not offical... she's... something else" Gale smiles

"Oh please! You totally have eyes for her. Why not just ask her out?" I ask, he shrugs

"I'm just not sure that she feels the same" he replies, I roll my eyes at him

"Just ask her, Gale. You may be surprised of the answer. Just... she's been through a lot, she deserves a guy other than her son to adore her" I tell him, he chuckles and shakes his head. Johanna has recently told me how gentlemen like my best friend is, she talks about him with ease and he with her, it makes me happy they're on their way to happiness with each other, they both deserve a happy ending with each other.

I sit down eating lunch with Gale and we talk about things going on in each other's lives. Since his apology to me, we were able to mend what was bent in our friendship, he even apologised to Peeta a couple of weeks ago, Peeta being the great man he is immediately forgave Gale and it made me extremely happy to see them laugh over my scowls and stubbornness.

"So, have you heard much from Peetas' crazy Mother?" Gale asks

"No. In the note she gave to his Father, she told him that she's skipping town. Not that I really cared that she did, Bran seems happier now, so does Peeta in a way" I sigh

"All that stuff she said about you, it wasn't any ounce of the truth. Peeta would agree with me on that. She was immature and cruel. You're going to be a better Mother then she ever was, by a long shot" Gale says

"Thank you... I guess I'm just a little terrified about having a baby" I admit

"It'd be worrying if you weren't. Every first parent is terrified, it's a human that you need to care for. It's definitely scary but you'll be a natural, I know it" he replies with a smile which I return.

Short chapter than the others but I have reasons:
1. I wanted this chapter to be around getting Finnick introduced
2. See Gale and Katniss' mended friendship
3. I wanna move onto the next chapter (the birth of baby Mellark)

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