Chapter 6: June 1952

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June 1952

"So you're telling me that Peeta invited you over. His parents are out of town to visit his Brother and won't be back until tomorrow? He totally wants you two to have sex" Madge giggles, Katniss had run into her old friend in town to which she invited Katniss over to her house where they now sit in her room, gossiping.

"What? No. It's just... he said I can have the bed and he'll sleep on the floor. It's nothing like that" Katniss immediately replies

"Well, I think you two should. What better way to do it then his parents being out and you sleeping over? I say go for it. We're only young once besides what other way would be best to kick off the summer?" Madge encourages

"But... I can't be sexy. I don't even wear anything sexy" Katniss frowns, Madge holds her finger up and scurries into her walk in closet, returning with a baby doll nightgown that's red and looks like it'll barely cover up her ass

"I bought this last month because I thought it looked cute but didn't realise how short it was. You have it and wear it tonight. I promise you it'll work" Madge grins

"I-I can't wear that! My parents think I'm sleeping over here tonight! I can't leave with that in my bags" Katniss replies completely shocked but the pretty blonde just rolls her eyes

"Wear it under your dress. When you get to Peetas, undress and walk in on him wearing this. I promise you'll have one hell of a night" Madge says, reluctantly Katniss takes the nightgown and is sure that her cheeks are unbelievably red

"But... it hurts doesn't it?" Katniss asks, she knows Madge done it after prom once so she's a lot more experienced than Katniss is in that area

"Only for a little bit. Once your body is use to him then it's the most incredible feeling" she replies, Katniss sighs and excuses herself to put on the nightgown seeing as it's the only way to get the skimpy nightgown out of there without anyone suspecting things.

"Peeta is a gentlemen so he probably won't want to at first. Just let him know that you want it" Madge advises through the door of her bathroom

"I don't know if I can do it..." Katniss replies, she looks at herself in the mirror, if her parents saw her in this they'd freak out, especially her mom

"You can and when you do, you'll be thanking me" Madge says which causes Katniss to roll her eye, she walks out to show Madge, she immediately grins

"Oh man... Peeta is definitely going to thank himself for inviting you over" Madge chuckles as Katniss puts her dress on over it, Katniss just shakes her head at Madge's teasing, a hint of a smile on her lips

"I better get going. I'll talk to you later" Katniss says

"Go my friend and have a blissful night" Madge giggles as Katniss leaves her room, you better be right about this.


"Welcome to my humble home" Peeta grins as he opens the door for Katniss. Katniss had made sure that her family were busy when she left, she called out a quick goodbye as she left through the door and Peeta drove away just as quick.

She looks around the home she's only been in once, it doesn't look like it's a home for living. It's designed to look like it's only there to look pretty. There's photos around of Peeta and his Brothers but none with Mrs Mellark in them, the photos she is in she's got a miserable facial expression.

"I can take your bags upstairs and then I'll start making dinner" Peeta says reaching for her bag but she stops him

"No, it's okay. I can manage. It's only five, so we could just sit in the sitting room and talk?" Katniss suggests

Forever And Always  {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora