Chapter 14: March 1954

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March 1954

"She's just so precious" Mom smiles at Lola as I open the door, she shyly hides her face in Peeta's chest I chuckle and pull her in for a hug before hugging Prim and my Dad

"Don't worry. She's just not use to having a lot of people over" I say, Lola extends her arms towards me and I take her

"I'm going to start getting food ready" Peeta says kissing the side of my head and I nod

"I find it funny that they're both turning big numbers, Lola is one and Peeta is twenty" Prim says amused and I smile

"It's a big year for you too, Little Duck. Fourteen, that's a big age" I grin, she just rolls her eyes. I excuse myself and move around the room when I notice Finnick getting cozy with Annie by the fireplace, she giggles as he talks.

"I know. It's gross" Johanna stands next to me, Nathan shyly by her side

"At least they're not making out" I joke, Johanna rolls her eyes

"I do have to admit, you have one hell of a cute kid. I don't say that kind of stuff often, only to Nathan" Johanna says, I look down at Lola who smiles up at me

"She definitely is. Shy but cute and I can't believe she's already one..." I frown

"Don't go all sappy on me" Johanna scowls, I roll my eyes

"If you think that's sappy, hear what Peeta has to say about it" I reply and she groans

"I did. When Nathan and I first got here, he talked thirty damn straight minutes about Lola. He sure can find a lot to say about a baby" she grumbles

"Well, she's definitely a daddy's girl. Has been since she was born" I chuckle. I personally love hearing him talk about Lola, I can't think of anything better to talk about if I'm being completely honest.


"Time for the cakes!" My Mom and Prim walk into the dining room with the two cakes made by Peeta's Dad, one is a grassy meadow with a sunset with the number '20' on it, same amount of candles to match. The other has pink and purple camellias', one single candle on the top of the one.

We all finish singing happy birthday, Peeta blows out his candles while I blow out Lola's candle. We all clap then have pictures taken before Johanna complains and both cakes are cut so people can help themselves.

"So Peeta, how much longer left do you have of college?" My Mom asks Peeta

"Only two years left. I'll be able to become a full time teacher" he replies proudly

"It seems like yesterday that you both ran off only to return married" my Mom chuckles, I smile at the memory

"Looking back it probably wasn't the best idea" I admit as I hold a sleeping Lola close to me

"Who knew that she turned out to be what brought our families closer" my Dad says raising his drink to Peeta's Dad who smiles, raising his drink back

"That's true. I see my Brothers a lot more" Peeta replies

"Well, your Mother and I aren't together. She was never a fan of your Brothers wives" Bran admits and Peeta's Brothers both nod in agreement, Peeta's Brothers have been visiting every Thanksgiving, Christmas and a little bit in the summer after Mr and Mrs Mellark divorced.

Their wives and I share our stories about the horrid treatment we received from Mrs Mellark. It's nice to have women in Peeta's family who don't hate me, who are really sweet and adore Lola, Peeta is much closer to his Brothers which I can tell is a huge positive impact on Peeta, making him feel more at home within his own family.

Forever And Always  {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora