part 7

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chapter song:Hey Jude by The Beatles.

after that incident everyone kinda went their separate ways.

Billy and Beverly went somewhere.

Stan, Ben and Mike went to the arcade.

and Richie, Eddie and i went to go eat.

as we walked into the small restaurant we were seated immediately. 

"so Eds, whacha getting?"

"just a milkshake. you?"

"wait, let's all share a large milkshake. i'm buying." i smiled.

they both agreed before we set the menus down on the side of the table.

"what can i get you?" an older woman asked, walking up to our table.

"oh just one large strawberry milkshake." i smiled.

she nodded before writing it down and taking the menus.

"so, losers. it's been awhile since i've heard the current drama in the group. how's life going?" i asked.

"well, Beverly has recently "joined" the group and her and Billy have a thing going on. but i think she's only trying to get in his pants." Richie said air quoting "joined".

"you believe those rumors? seriously, Rich?"

"yeh. why wouldn't i?" he asked.

"because they're not true. duh." i said, stating the obvious.

"oh." he just blankly said.

"do you believe mine?.." i asked, as if i was ashamed of it.

which i was.

"i uh..i don't know? i mean i haven't talked to you in three years so i guess anything could happen..." he said as he twiddled his thumbs and looking down at his feet.

i gave him a disgusted look before scoffing and rolling my eyes.

"no thats not-!" Richie yelled before getting cut off.

"large strawberry milkshake?" she asked.

i nodded before she set it down in the middle of the table.

i stuck three straws in it before pulling out a polaroid camera that was in my bag, "ma'am?"

"yes?" she asked.

"do you mind taking a picture of us?" i asked, handing the camera to her.

she nodded and smiled before we all put our mouths on the straws and scrunched our noses. 

she took the photo before handing it and the camera to me.

"thank you!" i smiled.

she nodded before smiling back and walking away.

i shook the photo before Richie spoke up again, "that's not what i meant..."

"i know Richie. but you need to learn how to word things." i laughed.

"a-are they true?.." he asked, looking up at me.

"yeh, i've slept with half the football team." i said with a completely blank face.


"Richie, you are such a dip shit. no, i'm still a virgin." i laughed.

he laughed with me before i looked over at Eddie
-who sat next to me- noticing he wasn't paying attention.

lovers •r.t.•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora