part 13

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chapter song:all the good girls go to hell by Billie Eilish.




we finally arrived to the arcade and began playing games as soon as we got there.

Richie aggressively hit the buttons on street fighter when Bill ran in, "Richie! Ayla!"

"what do you want? you see that guy right there? im pretending its you." Richie said as he continued with the game.

"I-IT got Beverly.." Bill said.

i let go of the controller on PacMan before i looked over at Bill.

"what are you talking about?" Richie asked, still playing the game.

"IT, Richie! IT got Beverly." Bill replied, making Richie stop his game.

"Jesus! what are we waiting around here for, idiots?! lets go!!" i yelled, getting stares from people.

i looked around at them before i pushed the two boys out of the arcade.

"i-i-i ran here.." Bill shrugged.

"take my bike. it won't be the first." i laughed, getting on the bike with Richie.

Bill nodded before getting on my bike and us riding towards Bill's house.

once we got there i ran inside his house and quickly dialed Eddie's number

"fuck! answer, Eddie!" i yelled just as he picked up the phone.

"hello?" he asked.

"E-Eddie..its me. Ayla. meet us outside in five. no questions!!" i yelled.

"o-okay.. i'll meet you there." he replied.

"okay, Eds. cya then." i said, hanging up.

minutes passed and we all waiting outside of Eddie's house before we saw Eddie run out, his mom chasing after him.

"sorry mommy ive got to save my friends!" he yelled, getting on his bike and riding away with us.

we finally arrived to the crackhead house and right away i had a bad feeling about this.

Mike began loading his gun and Bill pulled out a spear from his backpack and began putting it together.

the rest of us stood there and waited and then Richie walked up to a tree, picked up a old glass bottle and hit it against the stair case, making the whole bottle shatter.

i rolled my eyes before i watched Bill begin walking up the stairs and onto the porch.

"i-i dont feel very good.."i whispered, putting my hand up to my head.

"hot stuff, you okay?" Richie asked, placing his hand on my waist.

"yeh no, im fine im just uh nervous..thats all." i said, smiling a little.

he nodded before intertwining our fingers as we walked onto the porch with Bill, the others following behind.

Bill slowly pushed the door in as all of us except Stan walked in.

"Stan?" Eddie asked, making all of us turn around.

"Stan we all have to go. B-B-Beverly was right, if we split up like last time that clown will kill us one by one. but if w-we stick together. all of us. we'll win. i promise." Bill said.

Stan nodded a little before stepping over a board and walking inside.

we shined our flashlights in random areas of the house before finding the stairs that led to the basement.

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