part 14

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chapter song:this is home by cavetown




"uh guys, wheres Stan?" Eddie asked before jumping up and walking back to where we were before.

as Stan's name began echoing the room we heard him scream for help.

we all began running towards where we heard the scream before reaching a locked door.

somehow someway someone managed to get it open.

we all ran in only to see poor Stan's face being sucked by some ghostly figure.

and not the way you would want your face to be sucked.

"what the fuck is that thing?!" Richie yelled, making the woman look up at us, still sucking on Stan's face.

she finally pulled away, leaving blood on Stan's face and floated backwards before disappearing.

well, we thought she disappeared but shortly after the killer terrifying clown popped up, peaking behind the corner only to disappear seconds after.

we quickly jumped down to where Stan was laying and tried waking him up.

he finally woke up and shot right up, only to back away from all of us.

"you left me! you didn't need me anymore! you're not my friends! you made me go into Niebolt!" he continued to cry and scream.

we all tried calming him down but it was useless.

it hurt to see him cry because i always really liked Stan and i always saw him as a strong, sarcastic and funny guy. not a poor, broken boy.

yes of course everyone is broken AT LEAST once but i didn't expect to ever see Stan broken.

it hurt me.

so much.

my eyes began to fill with tears before i quickly wrapped my arms around his neck.

i admit, he did hesitate to hug back for a moment but he did hug me back, everyone joining in.

just as we pulled away Eddie looked over to the side,



oh yay! another one has gone missing! i wonder who's going to be next?!

we quickly stood up and began looking around, still yelling his name.

just as Eddie went to say his name again he tripped,

"ew, cmon get out of there dude. it's grey water!" Richie said making me give him i disgusted look.

just as he said that Eddie began to panic,

"oh my God, wheres my fucking flashlight?!" he yelled and just as he yelled that, zombie looking creatures come out of the water.

we all began screaming before quickly running past them, only to reach the most horrific thing ive ever seen in my life.

not only Beverly floating in mid air but multiple children floating too.

"y-you'll float too.. t-thats what he fucking meant by you'll float too!" i yelled, backing up and running into Richie.

"hey, its okay. you're alright. i swear i won't let anything or anyone hurt you. okay?" he said, turning me around and grabbing onto my shoulders.

i nodded a little bit, my whole body shaking.

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