part 12

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chapter song:TANTRUM by Waterparks(E)

NOTE:that song is very loud and might give some people a headache so adjust your volume:)




i buried myself into Richie, his arm holding onto me as tight as he could and Billy's arms wrapped around both of us when all the sudden i heard Beverly yell, making my eyes shoot open.

i looked over at IT, noticing a spear through his eye.

i pulled on Richie's shirt before he opened his eyes, Billy doing the same.

"get Eddie!" i yelled before we all scrambled over to Eddie as the clown began straightening up again.

the clown turned around, even scarier than before and walked towards us.

Richie leaned down and tried talking to Eddie but all Eddie could do was scream and cry.

which i mean, at that moment we were all screaming and crying.

claws came out of IT's hands before he sliced Ben's stomach.

IT began crawling backwards as Richie continued comforting Eddie and with that Bill yelled,

"dont let it get away!" before he ran after it, me running behind him.

we watched as it crawled back into a well, making us share a quick glance.

"Bill!! Ayla!!!" Beverly yelled, "we need you!"

we both ran back up the stairs and back into the kitchen.

"i-im going to snap your arm, Eddie!" Richie yelled.

"do not do it! do not fucking touch me! do not touch me!!" Eddie yelled.

but of course Richie ignored his crying and snapped his arm back in place.

"Richie!!" Beverly yelled, as she crawled almost into Bill's lap.

Eddie screamed in pain before we all began running out of the house, Richie and Bill holding Eddie.

Mike placed him in his bike basket before we all began riding back into the neighborhood.

once we reached it we saw Mrs. K.

all hell was about to break lose.

"you did this! you know how delicate he is..." she yelled as she took her son from us.

"w-w-we were attacked M-M-Mrs K!" Bill replied.

"dont! dont try to blame anyone else.." she growled as she shoved her son in the seat, slamming the car door.

she turned around and dropped her keys and me being the type of person i am i leaned down and tried picking them up for her.

"No! back!" she yelled.

"oh ive heard of you, Miss Burroughs. and i dont want a dirty girl like you touching my son." she said, smirking in my face.

"what the hell?! you've known me all my life! you know those rumors aren't true!" i yelled back but of course she ignored them.

"M-M-Mrs K i sw-" Bill began to talk.

"no! you are all monsters! all of you! and Eddie is done with you. you hear? done!" she fired back.

i began taking short, heavy breaths as my eyes watered and i locked eyes with Eddie who was doing the same.

he gave me a small-fake-smile before his mom got in the car and drove off.

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