[Act 1] Chapter 7: Occupying Forces

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The elven girls sat together on the same bed, keeping each other protected, as German doctors proceeded to examine and write down a record of their features on a nearby terminal. It wasn't at all an injury check-up but merely an anatomy inspection in the name of science. Scientists brought over from Germany had become enamoured with the physiology of each of the many races found across the Gate, especially trolls, ogres and dragons, but there was something about the elves that got them truly interested. It could most likely the fact they come from Norse mythology, something written in history.

Neither of the elves dared to move at the sight of the giant soldiers encased in metal guarding each door, clearly preventing either of them from escaping. Their attention was focused on a distant point in space, but more so on a light flashing in their faces. Werner was forced to stand by her side as the doctor examined her, flashed lights in her eyes and get measurements from her ears, torso, arms, and eyes.

Werner sat nearby while the doctor looked over to Werner and asked, "Wie heißt sie?" What's her name?

"Ich dachte, ich hätte dir gesagt, du sollst Englisch sprechen, Doktor." Werner said in anguish. I thought I told you to speak English, Doctor. "Her name is Sera."

"Fein," the doctor exhaled, turning back to the elven girl. "Fräulein . . . Miss Sera, may you please open your mouth, stick your tongue out and say aah?"

Sera looked over at the doctor awkwardly, shocked at his boldness, and looked over at Werner who in turn gave her a silent nod to do as she is told. She closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue, waiting in anticipation of what the German doctor would do. To her surprise, the doctor only stuck a wooden spatula and examined her mouth, relieving both Sera and the elves.

"Is this really necessary?" Cara asked, lying back down on the bed.

"With science, just be glad they don't strap you down and cut you open," Werner said with a chuckle. "Back in our world, Earth, we don't exactly have elves, or dragons or . . . little women with snake hair and feline tails."

"Medusas and felines, we call them. Most humans simply describe them as vermin, but your description was perhaps the most tolerant."

Werner laughed and said, "My report on your people made High Command believe we entered one of the Nine Realms of-"

He cut himself off, confusing the elves.

"Nine what?" asked Sera.

Werner stuttered. "N-Nevermind, it was just a reference to something from our world. I should have realized you wouldn't get it."

Another elf, the dark-haired Enrel, sat up and asked, "You mean there are nine worlds that exist in your world and that you are just one of them? Kind of reminds me of Saxonian mythology."

"No. It is a mythology of our people, for thousands of years ago. But enough about that, because in the meantime, I have important matters to tend to. When men in black suits arrive, answer every question they ask you with honesty."

"Do we have a choice?"

"Unless you want to be sent on your way, yes."

All they were left with was the doctor and the giant metal men. Sera was the most relaxed, lying down on the bed, but the rest of the elven women sat close to one another, concentrating more on their surroundings, from the concrete walls to the doors that seem to open when one approaches. Of all things, it was the door that gave the most interest to Sera.

Despite protests from her group, Sera got up and approached the door when the doctor's back was turned. Ignoring the giant man beside the door, she approached the door and was greeted with a red light that scanned her entire body, shocking both Sera and the group of elves who assumed the worst was about to happen.

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