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~♡ seven ♡~


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"one of us?" jisung asked bursting out laughing, "are you serious?"

"i'm very serious, dumbass." changbin rolled his eyes at the younger.

"there's no way it's one of us." jisung said, returning to normal.

"actually, changbin is right." woojin agreed with changbin.

"yeah, i agree." chan butted in, "and i may have an idea who it is." he glanced at hyunjin, only seungmin and minho noticing .

minho and seungmin gasped as chan gave them a look that read 'dont you dare say a word'.

"but we're not sure. so we're gonna have to wait until the poor boy wants to tell us." woojin said sympathetically.

they all nodded in agreement and went to bed.

═ ∘♡༉∘ ═

the weekend passed by and it was monday again.

every thing was back to normal. jeongin only talked to hyunjin when he could.

lunch came by, and the nine boys sat on their usual table.

wait, one was missing.


"hey, where's hyunjin?" felix asked the boys.

"no clue." seungmin said, taking a big bite of his ramen noodles.

speaking of the devil, there he is. approaching their table. but not alone.

a tall girl with long, blonde hair was by his side. she was stunning.

"hey, guys!" hyunjin greeted as he sat on their table, the girl sitting next to him.

"this is sarah. my girlfriend." hyunjin introduced her, giving her a peck on the cheek.

jeongin's heart stopped. girlfriend? he felt the petals rising up from his chest, his eyes becoming teary. he coughed twice and tried swallowing the petals.

chan, minho and seungmin noticed this and looked at him with sad eyes.

felix, who was sitting next to jeongin, put an arm around him and whispered sweet things to him.

felix was about to tell him they should go to the restroom when jeongin's coughing stopped.

sure, the pain was still there but he stopped the coughing by swallowing the petals.

"jeongin? you okay?" minho, who was sitting to his right side, whispered to him, snapping him back to reality.

everyone was having a conversation with the stunning girl. everyone except him and felix, of course.

"yeah, i'm fine." jeongin gave minho a fake, soft smile, "i almost choked on my sandwich." he laughed.

minho chuckled sadly, knowing the boy was far from fine, but didn't question him.

"oh, you must meet jeongin!" the oblivious jisung exclaimed, pointing at the poor boy who was choking a minute ago, "he's an absolute sweetheart!"

sarah looked at the small boy and smiled at him, "hey, jeongin."

"h-hi!" jeongin smiled at the girl, "i'm jeongin, the absolute sweetheart, i guess." he chuckled.

"oh my god, you're adorable!" she squealed, "can i keep you?!"

'how can i even hate her?' jeongin thought to himself.

═ ∘♡༉∘ ═

entering his house, with felix trailing behind, he opened the door to his bedroom and threw his back pack harshly on the bed.

"i can't even hate her! she's super kind and pretty, there's nothing to hate about her!" jeongin whined like a school girl.

he threw his light body on his comfy bed, a deep sigh escaping his lips.

"i don't want to be annoying but," felix put his back pack on the ground and laid next to jeongin, "maybe take the surgery?"

jeongin sighed once again, "i still have a month left. i don't think i want it yet." he looked at felix with sad eyes.

felix, knowing what this meant, put his arm around the taller boy and brought him closer. jeongin grabbed felix's hand and started playing with his tiny fingers.

"okay, innie. i respect that." felix smiled as he started playing with jeongin's hair with his free hand, "but know that if you don't take the surgery by then, i'll do it myself. "

jeongin chuckled, "noted."

it was quiet and peaceful. both boys enjoying being in each other's arms in the most heterosexual way.

when suddenly jeongin started coughing up harshly. he immediately stood up and ran to the bathroom, felix running after him.

the pain was worse than before. way worse. tears were escaping his eyes, as he started coughing up petals painfully.

he felt his throat start to burn as he continued coughing. out of nowhere, the pain stopped when a single rose, covered in blood, escaped his lips.

felix and jeongin both stared in shock.

jeongin laughed humorlessly, "i hate roses. they're bitchy." he threw the rose in the toilet.

"t-this is what concerns you?" felix asked, his eyes wide.

"don't worry. it's a new stage. coughing up whole flowers with blood." jeongin explained, washing his hands, when he suddenly felt loose and everything went black.


a/n: an update yeet. im slowly losing inspiration for this story but dw i'll continue writing it.

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