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"Uncle Sean, Uncle Sean!" Two high-pitched voices echoed from the hallway.

Sean managed to dismount Kaycee from a lift in time. A split second after Kaycee's feet touched the floor, Sean found himself on the ground, tackled by two pint sized brunettes.

"Uncle Sean!" A chorus of giggles filled the garage as Tasha and Taylor, Kaycee's twin little cousins, attacked the boy with hugs. Kaycee watched in amusement as the two girls made her partner laugh and shield himself from their sloppy kisses.

Sean chuckled behind his raised hands as he playfully swatted away their little faces.

"Aaaaahhh! Someone help! I'm under attack!" He joked. Then, with great ease, he lifted the two girls simultaneously by the waists and twirled them around the room.

"Uncle Sean!" They giggled even more, clutching their heads to steady their dizzy brains once he set them down.

"Uncle Seeeeaaan!" The boy mocked in a high pitched voice, then retaliated at the two girls by poking at their tummies. This only made them giggle harder and louder, until their high pitched laughter began to pour out of the open garage door.

"What is it with you Rice girls and your giggling?" He remarked, easing up on the tickling.

"We missed you, Uncle Sean!" Tasha said, as she and her sister moved into a sitting position on the floor.

The two looked up at him with green eyes, which they got from their parent, quite different from Kaycee's hazel ones. But touches of the Rice genes were evident on their faces, from the pinky cheeks to the strong chin.

A cough interrupted the conversation before Sean could answer the little girl. The three of them turned to find Kaycee standing in the corner of the garage with her hands on her hips, and a dark glint in her eyes. She had stopped the music, but Sean hadn't realized it.

"So no greeting for me?" Kaycee lightly accused the two little girls. They smiled wide and stuck their tongue out at her.

"Ouch!" She clutched her heart in mock hurt. "You know, I'm the one related to you, you know? He's not really your uncle."

Sean rolled his eyes at Kaycee and got to his feet. He extended his hands to the two six year olds and helped them up too. As they patted away the dust on their legs, Sean patted their hair.

"Well, we miss Uncle Sean more." Taylor said. "We haven't seen in him in so long."

"Yeah, and he is the greatest not-really-uncle ever!" Tasha affirmed with an enthusiastic nod.

Sean and Kaycee exchanged looks. Suddenly, Kaycee didn't feel so bad about not being their favorite.

"Oh no." The boy released a heavy dramatic sigh. "What do you want?"

"Nooooothing." The twins drawled in unison, swaying and batting their puppy dog eyes at him. Sean groaned even louder.

"As if I believe that." He pinched their cheeks. "What is it?"

"Weeeell, since you asked," Tasha began.

"It's really hot outside, you know." Taylor continued.

"You'll get all sweaty and thirsty!" Tasha said.

"And if you don't drink something nice and cold, you could get...get...deliration!" Taylor finished.

"Deliration?" Sean questioned, quirking an eyebrow at the two.

"Yeah, like when you get super thirsty and die!"

"Aaaaah." Sean spared a glance at Kaycee, who shrugged unhelpfully. "You mean dehydration?"

Chapters: Stories on Sean & KayceeWhere stories live. Discover now