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Cesars POV

I didn't know what to say to her. I shouldn't have bolted like that. Too late now, already made a fool of myself.

"Dude you're drenched in sweat, was the game that important you that you ran to and from?" Oscar quizzes.

"Monse, I saw Monse and got weird so I said bye and ran home" I explain.

"What? Where? Why did you run?" Oscar asks.

"I-I-I blurted out that she was looking beautiful and she was confused so I felt stupid," I reply disappointed with myself, texting Ruby and Jamal what happened.

"Do you want her back?" Oscar questions. Of course I do, she was my everything.

"More than I've wanted anything else," I sigh

"Well stop being a punk, regroup and go get her," Oscar instructs

"I need to clear my head before I do something stupid again," I say heading to my room. Why haven't Ruby and Jamal responded yet?

Girls came and went in college but it was never anything serious. I don't know what it was about my honey badger but those girls just couldn't compare to her.

Monse was my first kiss, my first real girlfriend, my only love and the only girl I've ever thought about marrying one day. When she broke up with me I didn't know what to do, I didn't leave my room for days. Honestly I would've found a way to go back and forth just see her. When I got that internship after Freshman year doors really opened up for me. It became the first of many opportunities to earn money doing what I loved. I earned enough to cover what my scholarship didn't and have a little extra to splurge. Oscar didn't have to worry about me after Freshman year and I was grateful for all the good that happened but something or should I say someone was missing . There were times I considered buying a ticket to New York and begging her to do long distance but better sense prevailed. She needed space and if she was meant to come back to me she would. Now she's back in town and I'm going to try to get her back.

Even though we didn't talk much I always followed whatever she did whether it be articles for their student paper or the short stories she'd enter in competitions. I will always want the best for her even if it doesn't include me. I wish I could be with her for the successes to come, supporting her in whatever way I could even if it were just carrying her bags around when she travels.

Finally Ruby responds to my message.

Ruby: Alright, we'll be there soon

I hear them in the living room with Oscar. Wow that was fast.

"Alright let's do this," Ruby barges into my room with Jamal and Jasmine in tow before I have the chance to greet them. He throws a binder watermarked Cesar on my lap.

"Jamal and Jasmine have already been briefed so you need to catch up," he starts

"Catch up?" I'm confused

"Yes catch up, we knew this day would come when Monse told us she was coming home and honestly we're tired of seeing you mope over her so let's get you your girl," he continues. I look at the binder, the three Ss

"Three Ss?" What are these guys up to.

"Step 1: Swoon, you get her to remember why she likes you. Charm her, take her on a date, whatever she used to like," Jamal responds

"Step 2: Seduce, when you get her remembering how sweet you were, remind her why she'd jump you anytime she'd get to. Y'all was freeaaakks!" Jasmine continues, typical Jasmine

"Finally, step 3: Secure, everything would be pointless if you guys don't officially get back together. Don't keep her guessing, let her know where you stand and your intentions." Ruby finishes

"Guys, I appreciate the effort but what are we going to do about me just being weird around her?" I finally get to ask

"Family meeting. Tomorrow. 6pm. My house. She's already agreed to come. All you have to do is not be weird around her in a group setting. Easy enough right?" Ruby asks but it's more like a 'get your shit together dude this is happening whether or not you clown it out'

Easy enough? Now I get to embarrass myself in front of the entire fam. Just great. I'm not sure about the three Ss but it's nice to know they have my back.

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