Movie Day

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Cesar's POV

Monse invited me over for a Marvel movie marathon since it was Thanksgiving break and she had a lot of movies to catch up on. With Jasmine and Ruby spending the weekend at the reunion and Jamal away we both had nothing else to do, though I can't say I'm complaining. I just hope she'll eventually be as open with me as she was last weekend. I should get ready and grab some of her favourite snacks.

Monse's POV

Why is it so easy to confess to Cesar when I'm drunk but sober he turns me into a fool. I want him, I want to get back together so so bad. But there's a part of me that is still apprehensive about this new type of relationship. Yeah we've been together before but never like this. When we were younger yeah we'd have our moments but the connection wasn't this deep. As a teenager I wasn't sure what I wanted or needed. As a sort of adult I'm still unsure but have an idea of what I wanted and every scenario involved Cesar in some way. In the last three months he's become my best friend again.

Movie day was a tradition of sorts for us something we both loved. Maybe this is an opportunity for me to be honest with him.

The doorbell rings and I'm still in my towel. I rush to pull on some clothes and put my hair into a messy bun.

Eventually I reach the door and let him in. I can't help but check him out as he walks into the house. I wonder what it would feel like falling asleep in those arms again.

" Hey I was starting to wonder if I would have to climb through your bedroom window," he smiles.

"This isn't a booty call so no," I reply remembering all the times he climbed through my window when I would call him over because I was horny. Gooood times.

"Darn," he feigns disappointment as he plops down on the couch beside me.

We watch movies all day and soon its after 1 in the morning and time for another movie change.

"So which movie is next?" he inquires but all I can do is stare at him.

Cesar's POV

She stares at me for almost thirty seconds. Did I do something wrong?

Before I realise what is happening she leans across and kisses me so I kiss her back. Monse climbs on top of me without even breaking the kiss. Does she know what this does to me? She begins to kiss her way down my neck. What is she up to? Suddenly she stops and begins to suck my neck, there's definitely going to be a hickey there when she's done but I let her do her thing. Finally she looks up at me and her eyes tell me everything I need to know so I flip us and take the lead, kissing her like my life depends on it. She returns my energy kissing me like this is our last night together. She unbuckles my belt and starts to undo my pants.

"No, we can't," I stop her, I don't want to but I have to.

"Sorry, I thought we both wanted this. I didn't mean to overstep," she stares at the floor, seeming disappointed with herself.

"No Mon, I want to be with you like that so badly. Before we can we need to talk about us," I explain hoping she doesn't feel like I don't want her. We all know I do , I just don't want to become a booty call again.

"I get that but that's a conversation to be had when I'm not this hot and bothered," she replies as she plays with her hair.

"Okay, I can do that so I'll just head home," I respond.

"No, don't go. Carry me to my room and hold me then we deal with that soon I promise," she assures.

Monse's POV

Cesar doesn't even answer he just walks toward the TV and turns it off. Is he going home? Is he mad?

He walks towards me and scoops me into his arms in one motion. His arms feel so good.

We get to my room and he rests me on the bed then turns to spread a sheet on the floor.

"No, I was serious about wanting you to hold me. Unless you don't want to which is also okay. Uh don't feel pressured," I blurt out feeling a little silly for asking him to.

"I've wanted nothing more than to hold you, I wasn't sure if it was really okay," he scratches his neck nervously.

"Well come here and do your thing," I instruct.

"Do you really sleep in that?" He asks pointing at his shirt I stole years ago.

"Yeah, its comfortable. Did you want it back?" I asking pretending to take it off already knowing the answer.

"N-no it's fine, I like seeing you in it," he blushes as he climbs in beside me and wraps his arms around me.

I turn to face him and peck his lips one last time. It takes every ounce of restraint in my body to pull away but I know we can't go any further just yet.

"Good night Ces," I yawn snuggling into his chest.

"N-night Mon," he stutters.

I missed falling asleep like this almost every night.

Cesar's POV

She's finally made it clear that she wants us to get back together but she's not sure when? I look down at this woman sleeping right here and I'm still okay with not knowing exactly what we are. We have made a lot of progress this last few months. I don't need a title to know this is going somewhere. I would rather more months like the last three as friends than to have her feel pressured or rushed.

For the first time in four years I fall asleep without a care in the world knowing Monse is here in my arms.

Hey guys, thoughts so far?

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