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Monse's POV

It's been two days since that whole Cesar thing and I'm not sure what to believe. But today is about hanging with just Ruby, something I haven't done in years.

Weirdly enough Ruby suggested we get sushi in Brentwood. So I meet him there.

"Hey Rubes, any particular reason you wanted to meet here?" I question before even sitting at the table.

"I remembered you like sushi and I have a client here a little later so I thought it would work for both of us," he shrugs. Ruby always remembered the little stuff.

"Fair enough, let's order then we talk," I suggest. We place the order and get our food pretty quickly.

"So what's new with Monse?" Ruby asks trying to pretend like Jasmine hasn't already filled him in.

"Nothing much, might be heading around the country for the next few weeks," I respond

"Might?" He pushes.

"Fine I will be going on a mini book tour while school is out," I explain hoping he won't press any further.

"Why so unsure? The book is great. I mean just look at that Rico guy. He's so cool." He gushes

"You say that because you think he's based," I roll my eyes.

"Smart, handsome mastermind of the group, of course he's based on me. But seriously Mon, it's a great book. Don't worry about how many copies you sell. Remember you wrote this book for that kid feeling stuck in their situation and you did that. Enjoy the tour," he reassures me.

"You always knew what to say," I sigh

"Chase your dreams. Be the strong-willed Monse that used to be a little annoying. You got this!" he yells the last part.

"Enough about me, what's on Ruby's mind for the future?" I question.

"Life with Jas to be honest. I'm so excited to really build with her. Have a family of my own. I'm a little scared but still feel ready. I just know this makes sense," he smiles.

I really thought about life with Cesar like that these last few weeks. A nice house on the beach that he would design for us and maybe one day a few kids. Everytime we start going somewhere one of us does something stupid. I had some regrets about not trying long distance with Cesar but always thought if we were meant to be we would be.

"How about you Mon? Things seem to be going well for you and Cesar," he winks.

"They were until I caught him with someone else but I'm sure he's told you about that," I scoff.

"He really didn't expect her to jump on him Mon. Is really into you not her," he tries to explain but I'm not buying this.

"He has a helluva way of showing me that! My heart broke once again because of him" I snap frightening Ruby who holds up his hands.

"Woah there Mon. I'm being serious. Cesar has done stupid things before, we both know that. What I know is that the guy is hopelessly and haplessly in love with you. You probably know this by now but there was no girl he ever brought home or lasted more than a few weeks with. The way he cried when you guys broke up I knew it wouldn't be easy for him to move on. Dude was so sprung after you came back I'm sure he wouldn't look at another girl like that if he knew there was a chance for you guys," Ruby attempts to convince me.

"You're one of his best friends of course you'd think so," I shrug.

"Don't forget I still have mad love for you Mon and want you to be happy, just think about it," he pleads

"Fiiine," I resign

"Thank you! Gotta run but we should do this soon," he hugs me before rushing out.

Ruby has to go so we end lunch there. I head home to start putting together my things for the trip.

Ruby's words resonate with me so I finally check some of Cesar's messages.

Cesar: Hey, I came by but didn't see you can we talk?

Cesar: Monse she's nothing to me. I didn't expect her to jump on me. She said just wanted to talk.

Cesar: I love you so much and want us to be together.

Cesar: Please don't shut me out again.

Cesar: Call me.

Cesar: You're the only one for me.

Actions speak louder than words.

Hey guys, just want to say thanks for 1000 reads. Definitely didn't expect more than 10 reads a chapter when I started 😅.

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