Pizza conversations

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Monse's POV

A free day in New York is just what I needed after all these meetings. A visit to New York would not be complete without a stop at my favourite pizza place. I get there and order my usual slice of Pepperoni. This was definitely the only thing I missed about New York.

"Monse?" I hear a voice that sends chills down my spine.

"Uh hi Keith," I try to keep it together as he sits across from me.

"You look great," he tries to flirt.

"Thanks I guess," I shrug trying to figure my way out of this conversation.

"So how have you been since graduation?" He quizzes.

"Good, and you?" I try to be cordial

"Much better since you're here," he reaches for my hand. How did this work one the first time?

"Let's not go there Keith," I pull away from his reach.

"Come on we were so good back then. We could be even better now," he presses.

"We were toxic at best," I roll my eyes

"Nah baby let's get reconnected," Keith tries.

"I'm not your baby so don't call me that," I always hated when he called me baby


Keith was to meet me for dinner two hours ago. Maybe he fell asleep, I'll just go by his room. He's been distant recently, snapping at me over little things then going ghost for hours at a time. I went to his room and of course the door is unlocked. One day that boy is going to get into trouble for this. I reach for the handle and open his door only to be greeted by a girl in a towel. "How can I help you?" She has some nerve. "where's Keith?" I question. "He is busy, you should come back," who is she really? "Hey babe, I gotta go meet my sister ," Keith approaches the door. "Sister? Nice Keith, very nice,who is she" I scoff. "Baby I have needs, you're cute but you won't put out," He tries to justify himself. "I'm not ready Keith I'm just not ready," I scold. "You could put out for years for that guy from the hood but not me? I thought you were trying to scope me out but I call bullshit!" He yells. "Yeah the reason is deep down I knew you were trash but looked past it thinking there was more to you. Any who, have fun with her and lose my number," I shout back then walk away. After that I couldn't be bothered with guys that wanted anything serious. I always felt like they would fuck with me just like Keith.

End flashback

"If I don't call you baby will you consider us?I'm different now," Keith pleads.

"Keith, I'm not interested in empty promises. I have someone who loves me genuinely and does things I needs without me even asking. He doesn't rush me or make me feel less than. He wanted me when I was a moody 14-year-old with braces and no boobs and still wants me now," I try to shut this conversation down for now.

"It's the guy from your past isn't it? I don't know why I tried competing with him then but I'm not going to try now. You're heart always belonged to him," Keith gives up, wow he actually got mature.

"Thanks for understanding," I smile

"Besides , I have to meet my girlfriend soon," he continues nonchalantly. Wooww. What a jerk.

"Bye Keith," I get a few slices to go and head back to the hotel.

I put on my favourite sweats and Cesar's hoodie ready for a night of hot chocolate, pizza and movies. Sometime during the third movie my phone vibrates and Cesar's face pops up.

"Hey babe, I've been thinking about you all day" he blushes.

"Maybe next time you'll be by my side. This bed is way too big for me," I half tease.

" I will be there in a heartbeat, if you let me," Cesar continues.

"I'll think about it," I play coy

"You know you want a bag boy," he flexes

"Maybe not a bag boy but I'm sure I could find some use for you," I shrug

"Monse Finnie are you objectifying me?" He feigns hurt.

"You are my boy toy. I mean have you seen yourself shirtless?" I gush.

"You just want my body," he pretends to sulk.

"Body, mind and soul. I'm here for it all," I reassure him

"I need to get things for Oscar at the store. I will see you soon my love. Enjoy the rest of your night," he wishes.

"You too. Remember my flight gets in at 3pm on Friday," I remind him.

"I would never forget," he promises.

Next time I want him with me on the road. It's nice to travel with Jason but it's different from being with Cesar. Who knew I would miss him so much? There is one thing I need to do before any of that can happen.

Make us official.

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