Old Times

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Cesar's POV

It's been a month since I started carrying Monse to school and I enjoy having an excuse to see her first thing almost every morning. She's really encouraged me to keep improving my skills for work and it's starting to pay off, so much so that my boss extended my remote worker contract for another two months so I would have time to decide if moving to San Francisco is what I want.

Monse isn't ready for another twenty minutes but I don't want to have my girl waiting so I'm already in the parking lot. I wish she was really my girlfriend again but she's not ready and I'll be waiting for her when she's ready for a relationship. When I just started waiting after school for Monse some of the younger teachers would try to flirt with me but all they did was make me uncomfortable. This stopped when Monse watched it happen and came up to the car saying "baby, I'm so sorry I had you waiting. Let's get home so I can make it up to you". The look on the other teacher's face was priceless. As much as I wish her statement was true I was just glad she got me out of it. We spend more time together now, usually it's hanging out with the fam but occasionally it's just us.

"Hey," Monse says , breaking me from my thoughts. How does she manage to look this beautiful every single day?

"Hey, how was your day?" I reply, genuinely interested in her day. Heck, I'm interested in everything about her.

"Great, I'm a bit hungry though," she responds, loosening her top button. She really hated this dressing up thing.

"Let's go grab a bite then," I suggest, hoping she'd be interested.

"Nah, I have a better idea. Take me home. " Ouch, not even food when she's hungry would get her to come to dinner with me? She realises my change in expression and continues "I was thinking I could cook for you instead, you've really come through for me since I've been home"

"That would be great. Oscar's girl is at the house and one way or another there will be screaming. I can't deal with their mess right now," I explain.

When we reach her house I realise it's the first time I've been inside since we broke up. That night was the first time I cried since my conversation with Ruby when Olivia died. At 18 I didn't know I could hurt that much until she broke my heart.

"Hey, I'm going to change into something more comfortable and then get started" she tells me as she walks to her room.

She comes back wearing my shirt and a pair of shorts. She wasn't joking when she said she likes that shirt. I see an email from my boss and realise I forgot to send in a plan. "Hey, I'll be back in a few. Forgot to do something for work." I kiss her forehead, something that has become normal for us and leave , hurrying to make it home to complete the job and get back to Monse.

When I get back I smell my favorite meal, Spaghetti Bolognese. She would always cook this for me when I had a horrible day or a special occasion.

"Really, Mons you didn't have to. We could've had something easier" I start, really appreciating her efforts but feeling bad since she was hungry.

"You don't have to carry me to and from school everyday but you do," she counters as she plates our meals.

We chat about every and anything during dinner. Future travel plans, Netflix series, troublesome kids in her class. It's just like old times. Two hours pass like nothing and it was an evening well spent.

I offer to do the dishes and Monse is fast asleep by the time I'm done. I carry her to bed and leave a note for when she wakes up. I watch her sleep peacefully for a few seconds and one thing is clear.

One day I'm going to marry that girl.

Short filler chapter. Thoughts on the book so far?

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