I missed you...

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'Whats happened? Are you okay?' Said Victoria. 'Its my mu...' 'Amy you don't need to tell her in front of everyone go upstairs' Smiled leo. We walked upstairs and went into Leos bedroom. 'Why all your stuff here?' Said Victoria confused. 'Well it's my mum...' I said. 'What did she do' asked Victoria. 'She hit Charlotte my sister...I walked in on her hitting her. So Leo said I was welcome here is that okay?' I said looking down. 'Amy' she said hugging me. 'I can't believe she did that! Your welcome here as long as you need forever if you want' she smiled. 'Thank you, shes not even called me or anything.' I said. Leo walked in and sat beside me. 'Amy,are you okay?' He said holding my hand. 'Yeah i'm fine thanks' I smiled. 'Wait? Are you two dating' Victoria smiled. 'Yeah' leo laughed. 'Aw,thats so cute!' She smiled. 'Amy your welcome here any time, i'll just leave you with Leondre' she smiled walking out the room.

'What about school' I asked leo. 'Well, I have no uniform at my school just come and i'll take you in all my classes' He laughed. 'What the hell?' I laughed. 'It will be funny! Amy the rebel' He laughed. 'Okay, I'm down' I said with a permanent smile on my face. 'Its going to be so fun!' Said Leo. 'Do a lot of people come up to you at school?' I asked. 'Nah not really' he shrugged.


'So yeah i'm going Leo's school so I won't see you tomorrow' I said one last time waving Summer,Courtney and Shanyce of'. I walked in and shut the door behind him. It was just me,leo,joey and Victoria now. 'Leo when's the first HMV meet up?' Asked Victoria as she handed out the plates. 'Tuesday 4:00pm' He said whilst taking a seat. I sat beside him. 'Are you going with Leo and Charlie Amy? Asked Joey. Before even I could think about the question Leo answered for me. 'of course Joey she's my princess!' he said with a smile. 'Aw,thats cute' said Victoria placing the spaghetti on all of our plates. 'Thank you' I smiled. She sat on the opposite side of the table. 'So how was your holiday with Karen?' I asked. 'Aw, It was so much fun!' She said. 'I missed you mum' Leo said. 'Aw, I missed you too!'

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