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That day night.........


Me and Gray were talking in the balcony. Others had already left as they felt sleepy and I asked him to stay back.

I was thinking whether I should ask him or not. But Gray suddenly shook me up.

"What are you thinking about, Erza? " he asked.

"Oh nothing. Gray, can I ask you something?"

"What's the matter Erza? You usually don't behave like this."

"What do you think of Blue?"

"She's a memory loss girl who needs my help as she is my assistant or else master would punish me and I don't want that."

"But why did you tell her to call only you as with -sama?"

"She is my assistant and not others. I also wanted to feel superior."


"Why did you ask me about this? "

"She is new to the guild and is your assistant. I want to know if you really wanted to help her. Poor girl, why did she have to be your assistant of all people? "

"Hey! What was that?!"

Then I became serious.

"If you become a cause of Blue getting hurt, I won't forgive you."

"Okay, I got it. I will protect will her from any harm. "

He really does think of her as a friend. I think I misunderstood them.

"Alright. Now let's go back." I said.

"Wait even I have a question."

Now what does he want to ask?

"What is it?"

"How are you and that guy doing? "

"W-who are you talking about? "

"You know who I am talking about. That blue haired guy whom you were showing around at the market . I know that you like him."

Jellal.... I met him when he was here for a trip. He lives in the kingdom of Glitina but didn't tell me what he works as. Though we met coincidentally, we liked each other's company and I showed him around. I think I might have a crush on him. But I don't know if likes me too. Gray must have seen me with him at the market.

I started to blush thinking of Jellal.

"There is nothing between us. Now go to your room and sleep. "

After saying that, I went to my room and sat on my bed.

Will I meet Jellal again?

I hope we do.

Thinking that, I went to sleep.


Erza seems to like him. I could see her blushing when I mentioned about him. But he didn't look like he was from our Kingdom. Even Erza won't tell me about him.

But why did she ask about Blue? Maybe she was caring for her?

Then I went to my room to sleep.

(The next day...........)


Today I asked Mira-san if I could go outside and see the city. But she refused. After pleading her for a long time, she agreed but let Gray-sama, Natsu-san, Erza-san and Lucy accompany me to which I agreed.

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