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"W-who are you?" I asked him.

I was feeling scared. He is just staring at me.

"Oh.... you are such a cute girl. How about you come with me?" He asked smiling.

"Answer me! Who are you?"

"Call me as H."

He doesn't even want to tell me his name.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"You were wondering around so I got you here."

He comes closer to me. I try to push him away, but he holds both my hands.

"You are coming with me." He said smirking.

"No!!!!!" I screamed but he put his hands on my mouth.

Gray-sama! Where are you! Please save me!

But he lets go off my hands.

"Ha-ha. Just kidding. You really were scared."

He made fun of me!

"Do you really think that I would be able to take you away in such a crowded place? What do you think of me as?"

"Kidnapper, creep."

"Hey! Well, stay here and call for help. I'm leaving."

"W-why did you help me?"

"Just felt like it."

"Well thank you. I don't know how to repay you for your help."

"How about. ...... be my girlfriend?"

"I take back what I just said."

He then started to laugh. Strange....
This is really strange. I can't believe I could talk to a stranger so casually.

"Hey! You didn't even tell me your name." He asked.

"My name. ..."

"Blue!!!!!!" Someone shouted my name.

It was.................. Gray-sama!

What is he doing here?

"So your name is Blue. Well then Blue, I am leaving. Bye!" H said and ran away.

And just like that, he disappeared. Sting-san followed him.

Gray-sama came closer to me and hugged me!

"Blue, are you alright?" He looked worried.

"I'm alright, Gray-sama. But umm....."

Then he realised that we were still hugging. So he let go of me. I could see cheeks turn red.

Is he alright?

"Oh sorry. Do you know that guy?"

"No. He pulled me in this alley when I got lost. He was a nice person."

Gray-sama was shocked. Did I say something wrong?

"Do you know that he is a thief?"

What! He is a thief! But I still can't believe this!

Then I told Gray-sama about what happened in detail.

"So his name is H. He was the person that Sting wanted me to catch. He has been stealing money in Crocus. But they couldn't catch him."

"But he seemed like a nice person." I said.

"You can't judge a person so easily. Come on, let's head back."

"By the way, Gray-sama, how did you find me?" I was confused on how he found me.

"Sting and I were strolling around the city to find him. At that time, the girls came to us saying that you were lost. We went to the shop where they last saw you and found you here."

As we were going back, I saw the hair clip that I liked. 'If only I could buy that' I thought.

We then returned to the guild. Sting-san couldn't catch the thief. Wendy was crying that I got lost. So I hugged and comforted her.


Why don't this Blue just disappear! Though they try to justify that they don't like each other. No matter who you are Blue, I will not let you be together with my dear Gray.


After saying the Sabertooth members goodbye, we headed back to our guild.

During the whole journey, Blue was quiet. Even when we returned back, she locked herself in her room.
She must have been scared by what happened today.

Everyone asked what happened to her and Wendy told them about it.

"Let me go and see what happened to her." My mom said and went upstairs.

Everyone had a look as though they were shooting daggers at me.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't protect her." I said looking down.

"Don't blame yourself. You still manage to save her in the end." Erza said.

"Now everyone go back to your rooms. Have a good sleep." Mira said to everyone.


I was thinking about the events today. No matter how I try to stay calm, but I still can't!

What would have happened if Gray-sama didn't save me today.

Then there was a knock on the door.
I opened it to see Mika-san.

She sat on the bed and gestured me to sit next to her. So I sat down next to her.

"I heard what happened to you, my child. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Mika-san. Thank you for asking."

Mika-san patted my shoulder.

"I know you must be scared. It's Gray's fault and I apologise on behalf of him."

"No no no Mika-san! It was Gray-sama that saved me just in time. Otherwise...."

Mika-san hugged me. I couldn't control my feelings and cried.

"It's alright. We are there for you. So don't cry."

I wonder if I have a mother. Would she be searching for me?


Poor child. She is so scared. After some time, she slept on my lap. I didn't feel like disturbing her, so I let her sleep on my lap.

I slowly caressed her hair. She reminded me of my childhood friend.

Then the door opened to reveal Gray's father.

"Mika...." he was about to say something. But I stopped him.

"Shh....." I pointed him to a sleeping Blue and he nodded.

He sat next to me and we started out whisper-talk.

"So how is she now?" He asked.

"She was crying and slept on my lap."

"I see."

"I hope that she regains her memories and return to her family."

"I hope so too. Now, come on, let's go back to our room. We can't disturb her any more."

I slowly placed a pillow under her head and covered her with a blanket. Then we left without making any noise.

When will Blue reunite with her family?

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