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(The next day........)


After Mika-san's comforting words yesterday, I am feeling much better now.

Mira-san told me that master had called me. So I went to his office.

As I spotted his office, I saw Gray-sama coming out.

"Good morning, Gray-sama." I said.

"Good morning. Um...... sorry about yesterday."

"Why are you apologising to me, Gray-sama?" I gave him a confused look.

"I wasn't there when you were lost. I couldn't protect you at that time."
He said while looking at the floor.

"It's alright, Gray-sama. After all, you were the one who saved me in the end. So what brings you here, Gray-sama? "

"Just came to report what happened yesterday. I have some work. See you later."

Then I went inside. Master was sitting calmly and smiled at me when I came inside.

"Good morning, master." I smiled at him.

"Good morning to you too, Blue. I heard what happened yesterday. Are you fine now?"

"I'm fine, master."

"Glad to hear. You do know that there will be a party 2 days later?"

"Yes master."

"I called you for that. You must be present throughout the party. That will help someone to identify you. Understood?"

"Understood master."

"Then you can go now."

Finally! After two days I will find out who I am!

But it makes me difficult to leave them.

I was about to go to my room, but Lucy stopped me.

"Hi Blue!"

"Hi Lucy. What's up?"

"Do you want to come with me and Mira to buy stuffs for the party?"


So me, Lucy, Mira-san and 2 maids went out. We bought decorative things, ingredients for dishes and cosmetics.

We thought of having lunch at a nearby restaurant. As we were searching for a restaurant, we saw Gray-sama and Flare having lunch together. They looked happy.

I felt a strange sensation in my heart. What is this feeling?

Mira-san dragged us to the side.

"Did you see that?" She asked us.

"Yeah. Gray was with Flare! When did they start dating?" Lucy asked.

"But they do look good together." I commented.

"Huh?! What did you just say?!" Both of them said at the same time. They were glaring at me.

"No..... nothing." I said.

"Come on! Let's go watch them." Mira-san suggested.

"But how?" I asked.

"Here. Take these cloaks and masks." Mira-san said.

When did she get these?

"She must have bought it to scare us at the party." Lucy whispered to me.

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