3 Chapter

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"Don't even think you can escape today. I warned JiaQi." Jackson smiled.

"Heyyy, you know I was not going to run away, it would not be good choice. Cos I'm not ready to see your dissatisfied faces all year, JiaQi's face at home and yours here." Rolling her eyes said Yue.

"What are you looking for?" He asked curiously.

"I can not find the scent." She said, sniffing different test tubes and mixing smells.

"But it's already great. I am sure Fabri will be delighted." Patting her shoulder said Jackson.

"I hope." Yue sighed. "I just don't feel that this is exactly what I want."

"Guys, Yueue Jackson, Señor Fabri is here." Called their colleague.


"Oh look who came...." Caesar said sarcastically when the front door slammed shut and HeDi stepped inside.

"What's up with the face?" Raising his eyebrows, Darren asked curiously.

"And what about the face?"
HeDi smiled like an idiot.

"It will crack from this smile." Caesar giggled.

Di sighed and flopped down on the sofa. "I saw her." He said dreamily.

The guys exchanged a look.
"Her? This girl?" Caesar whispered to Darren.

"Hey...I hear you. Yes, her." He replied looking at the perplexity on the faces of friends.

"You ... you mean ... her? Yue? The one that lives with you for two years?" Darren asked, surprised.

"Yes." HeDi nodded.

"Where is she? Are you sure it is she? Did you talk to her?" Caesar began his inquiries, he just could not believe that two years later, HeDi could just meet a girl like that on the first day of his arrival in Shanghai.

These are some games of fate. Or Didi already said goodbye to his mind. He thought.

"I saw her at the bus stop. I did not just see and talk to her, I held her in my arms. Close. Very close." HeDi smiled.

"How? I don't understand ... did she recognize you?" Darren tried to clarify the situation

"Not. She said I look familiar to her. But this may be because she saw me somewhere on TV."

"Well, I can say that you are lucky. Didi, you have a second chance to finally win her heart and don't be a coward, act. Girls love action, not just words." Patting him on the shoulder said Caesar.

"I hope you are calm now. You know that she is fine, alive and well. In fact, you should not have been so worried, you did everything you could for her. We are always behind you if you need support." Darren smiled.

"Thank you, guys, it means a lot to me" HeDi smiled happily.


"I don't know why you were so nervous when we talked on the phone, this perfume is great, I think you should discuss all the details of perfume bottle design and packaging for them, and then we will deal with advertising." Smiling said Fabri.

Yue sighed with relief and smiled at Jackson who had been looking at her all this time. He gestured to her 👌🏼 and 👍🏼 and she did the same.

She worked on the new perfume for two months and at last it was ready for the presentation, but she still thought that something was missing, despite the fact that everyone who had a chance to feel it, in one voice said that it was fascinating. Yue was looking for some other smell.

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