Chapter 19

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More than a week passed, Yue felt quite comfortable in his house, and working as an assistant no longer seemed so complicated. She became more and more convinced of her feelings for him and what he did for her only strengthened them. These seemingly little nonsense, some little things, perhaps if she had not been fascinated by him she would not have noticed this, but in this situation it made an impression on her. The way he covered her from the sun and rain, the way he looked at her during the shoot to check if she is fine and not tired, putting on his jacket when it was windy outside and she foolishly forgot to put on her own. He tried to feed her delicious food and even rescheduled meetings a couple of times because she did not get enough sleep. He never left leaving her at home alone, and because of this, she even felt guilty.

But either because of his care, or because of her egoism, she wanted to get all his attention, she understood more and more how stupidly she was starting to behave. She wanted to be a weak and defenseless girl next to him, this had never happened to her before.
But she definitely liked it. The feel of safety.
The more she liked him and got used to him, the more she was worried and afraid.

What if I imagined everything and he treats me like that because we live together? Because I am his guest and not just an assistant?
Maybe he is with everyone so .... so friendly and sweet ....
And what will I do with all this when I get back? Oooohhh ...
She sighed while sitting at the kitchen table and looking at how enthusiastically he was preparing dinner for them.

It was a Saturday night and there were no urgent shootings and important matters for tomorrow, but Yue had to prepare his schedule for the next week, since in a couple of days she was going to fly to Shanghai for a perfume presentation.

She was deep in her thought, thinking about how she would leave, she did not want to leave him at all, or did not want to be left without him. How could I get used to him so quickly? She whispered, fingering the pen in her hands and looking thoughtfully at the notebook.

Dylan smiled. Of course, he heard her words, and was happy. Yue did not show him her feelings and he could hardly guess what she was thinking, but still, sometimes her actions and words gave him hope that she feels the same as he feels for her. He had never taken care of anyone before, he didn't even have pets, but two years ago he realized that regardless of whether the person he cares, knows about his feelings or not, it's very pleasant and not bothering to show his attention.

Now he felt that he wanted to give her all his time and attention as much as he felt that she wanted to get it. The only thing that terrified him was her flight. It doesn't matter how many days she will fly away and when she will return, but in three weeks she will leave permanently back, to her home, to her work, to her usual life, the realization of the inevitable left a taste of bitterness after the sweetness in him

"Shen Yue, eat, the food cools." He smiled by tapping his chopsticks on the plate.

"Thanks for the food." She nodded, smiling back.
"I have planned your schedule for the week, if there are no changes, then you can follow it."

"For a week? Won't you come back in two days?"
At the mention of her departure, he suddenly lost his appetite, putting his chopsticks, he looked at her with sadness, eyes full of unsaid words.

Hearing his voice, her heart skipped a beat, she bit her cheek inside and looked up.
Their eyes met and time seemed to freeze, each of them silently spoke, expressed their feelings, anxiety and longing. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into Hours, and Hours into eternity.

Shen Yue, come back soon...

I'll be back.

Do not leave me anymore.

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