Chapter 29

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"This is impossible, we can't cancel everything, the scenery and models, you can't do this ..." A woman screamed from the other side of the phone. 
He is not a fool, HeDi was always ambitious in his work, and maybe this is the first time when he acted so rudely with customers after signing the contract. Without explanation he rushed out from the photoshoot, leaving everything halfway. It could be said that it was thoughtless and stupid of him,  but the truth is that he well understood what was more important to him at the moment. 
"I will send another photographer to replace me.  I'm really sorry." He said and ended the call , trying to get home as quickly as possible.

He completely forgot when he last felt the symptoms of OCD, it seemed he was cured and shouldn't have to think about the disease, but now his anxiety and nervousness were rolling in waves, replacing each other and reminding him of the days that he spent alone and depressed.

Dialing her number again and again, he felt how cold sweat started appearing on his forehead, the voice on the other said every time gave the same answer, making his heart ache.

He wasn't able to wait anymore....

Pudong Airport.

Within a couple of hours he was sitting on the plane, his head was torn with thoughts, anxiety and insecurity ate him from the inside.  Thousands of questions flashed through his thoughts ...

What if she doesn't come back?  Why didn't she answer the phone?  Did she refuse him?  Did she find out the whole truth about his condition?  Maybe she considers him mentally sick, or is she afraid?

Startling he looked up and realized that he was deeply lost in thought when the flight attendant patted him lightly on the shoulder, asking if he needed anything.  He looked at her with a detached look and only a few seconds later noticed that he had not given an answer, making the woman wait.  He nodded asking for water and sighed taking a pill box out of his pocket.


"Shen Yue!......"
She heard a woman's voice coming out of the restroom.  She turned recognizing that voice and greeted her with a small smile.


"Hi" the woman nodded walking to her. "I thought you were going to avoid me." Sun Quian let out a laugh.

Her words made her chuckle.
"No... Why should i! I was lost in my thoughts, sorry just didn't notice you were here. Actually there's still something urgent that I should finish. So I should go.."  she hurried to go back to her doings, but Sun Quian was once again calling for her attention

" wait. Can we talk, it won't take long, I just wanted to ask if you re..." she wasn't able to finish her words when Yue turns to her sharply, she knows what she was going to ask. There was nothing that she would like to discuss with her. More likely she would be the last person with whom she would like to share her feelings. But still the girl was too curious if she read that folder she gave her last night.

"I did. I read it all and you know I'm really curious about something..." she said making the girl wonder what is it

"What, what is it?" She said trying to find clues in her facial expression

"How did you get them? I mean if they are real, so you should have tried hard to get them..." she smirked cos she knows it wasn't what the model was waiting for from her

For a moment her question took her aback, she folded her eyebrows. She looked serious when she did it
" it doesn't matter, only thing you should know is, that it might be better for you to stay away from him." with face full of concern for her she said, making Yue chuckle.
She scowled hearing it. Why is she so savage suddenly? She was expecting her to quietly listening to her and maybe feeling upset but not chuckle at her words nonchalantly.

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