5 Chapter

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About two years ago.

HeDi was invited to a closed party of a new advertising agency. He was in a terrible mood, but could not show it, otherwise everyone would have thought him guilty, and recognized his work as plagiarism.

Two days ago, he was shooting for charitable help to women victims of violence. And on the day when his photos were hung on banners, similar pictures with a modified date appeared on the network. Before the proceedings in this situation, he was expelled from the union of photographers. It was a tragedy for him. After spending a long time at the party, he said goodbye to everyone and went home.

He almost drove to the house when he heard the squeal of the wheels and the blow of a car driving behind him.

He saw in the mirror a girl lying on the road and driving off the car. With shaking hands, he scored an ambulance and got out of the car.

She was alive, but blood was everywhere.
Her lips moved and big brown eyes filled with pain looked at him begging to help.
His hand unconsciously reached for her face.

"......Yue..." She whispered and winced.

"I'm so sorry Yue." He whispered back and her eyes closed.

He suddenly felt a burning pain in his heart. Perhaps because he had never seen human death, or because of those fantastic eyes that penetrated his soul in a second.

Is she angel? Popped in his head

"No. No. No....Please .... please don't die. I beg you. Not...." He pleaded when he saw the dark blood flowed from under her head.

He spent the whole night in the hospital, waiting for the end of the operation.

"Mister?" A nurse patted him on the shoulder when he fell asleep on a bench in front of operation room.

He slowly opened his eyes, hoping that it was a dream. But seeing the nurse in front of him, he quickly came to his senses.

"Mister?" She said again.

"Wang.." HeDi answered her.

"How is she?" Jumping off the bench, he asked in a panic."she is alive?"

"She is still in intensive care.
I would like to know who you are to her? And her name."

HeDi thought.If I say that I am not familiar with her, I will not be able to find out about her condition.It will torment me.
"I'm her boyfriend. Her name is Yue.  Now tell me how is she?"

The nurse, seeing his condition, decided to ask about everything later. "I'm sorry but for some time she will be in artificial coma. Is there anyone who can care for her? Parents or relatives?"

"Me...i..i will do what is necessary." HeDi said.

His problems were so miserable as to what happened to this girl.  He suddenly realized how precious life is.  To some extent, he was grateful to the girl who made him understand the value of what he has.

From that day he came to the hospital every day.
Chamber number 520 was his second home.  He answered her phone calls, explaining what had happened to her.  He told her parents every day about her well-being, knowing that they were very far away and could not come for now, he calmed them down, promising to take care of her and to do everything so that she was healthy. He learned a lot about Yue from her mother.

He realized that she was as beautiful on the inside as on the outside.
Her every breath was precious to him, every healed wound and abrasion were small joys, every movement of a finger or eye was small victories for them.

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