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          They stare at each other in complete awkwardness as blondie scrambles to sit straight.

"Oh! I'm terribly sorry, I thought you were my friend!"

"Uhh, it's okay..? We all make mistakes."

The silence after that treads on long. Yoongi swallows and nimbly rubs the spot behind his earlobes in utter embarrassment.

"It may seem a little rude of me to say, but I understand what you mean. The expectations of society and its laws will always burden us, enclosing us to our true selves, oftentimes never even giving us an opportunity to roam about."

At first shocked, the prince then shakes his head and smiles. "And we can't truly be ourselves without having prejudice placed on us... Also, you're fine. It's good to hear that I'm not the only crazy prince that thinks so — er, not that you are crazy!"

Yoongi chuckles, eyebrows arched.

"And what's wrong with being crazy? If anything, that just shows we have more personality."

That's when the other beams, showing a type of box smile that makes Yoongi feel warm inside. If only he could easily make friends with people like him in his village.

"Thanks for that. You just made my night," the blonde-head bobs his head in acknowledgment.

Although stricken with guilt, Yoongi manages a small smile. "Anytime." He didn't deserve such a compliment when his sole purpose of wrongfully entering a castle was just to steal valuable items.

"Taehyung! The rest of our friends have arrived. Let's go greet them."

Another voice of white and silver booms from the distance, breaking off whatever connection had just been made in that exact moment.

As Yoongi twirls around, a man dressed in a tailored tuxedo coat speckled with grey linings and swirls appeared behind him. The man's face was even more captivating, albeit being covered with a mask.

Plush lips and soft cheeks adorned his features, kissing his delicate skin with perfection.

The lighting of the castle also reflected the shine on his silver hair as well.

"... And there's someone else here... This is quite strange."

"Ah, excuse us. I am Kim Taehyung, prince of Drekaemore and this is Park Jimin, prince of Truteogalla," said the blonde.

"Hello," Jimin did a courtesy bow. "And who may you be?"

Yikes. Yoongi never really planned on telling anyone who he was except for the announcer.

Guess he'll just go with that name. "It's Prince Aylard of Licudal."

"Prince Aylard?" Jimin questioned. "I've heard quite a lot about you..." Next came a whisper that Yoongi couldn't catch.

"Pardon, did you say something?"

"Um, no. My apologies," he strained his smile and glanced at Taehyung who seemed... Stunned. "You're just different from what rumors we have heard of you."

Huh. Yoongi isn't shocked there. That prince sure as hell was a spoiled, disrespectful nitwit.

"Whatever rumors they were I'm pretty sure they are well deserved."

Taehyung giggles. "But isn't it you who is letting it happen?"


The blunt tone he uses causes both Taehyung and Jimin to burst out into fits of laughter. Yoongi stares, a sheen of crimson coloring his cheeks. He clasps the mask over his face and lightly smiles, head tilted downwards.

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