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     The banquet is sparkling from how the candles are reflecting against the shiny floors, chandeliers radiating elegance from above.

A table stretches long in front of them as they each sit in their given places.

Since this was a formal dinner with the king, the princes were dressed up fancier than their casual clothing they would wear out in the training fields or the gardens when reading a book.

Queen Mariana was seated on the opposite end, stoic as usual. Prince Youngjae would not be attending until he was old enough to sit properly by himself.

As a mere infant, he was taken care of by the designated maids and placed on a schedule of his own.

Seokjin and Namjoon were closest in seating to the king. Everyone else was spread out on both sides of the table.

"Glad you could join us," King Eilford chimed.

Originally, the king of Leukrodia was not one of much seriousness. He has a hearty laugh that came from the pit of his stomach. He was mainly known for his wittiness, the opposite of the queen.

"We are honored to accompany the king and queen of Leukrodia." Namjoon did a small bow to show his respect, the other princes repeating his move.

"Nonsense! My guest shall be in their most comfortable state. Tonight, we shall feast!"

When the king offered his cup, it was time for everyone to eat. They chatted amongst themselves while an orchestra crew played in the background.

Jungkook leans beside Hoseok and nudges his arm. "We heard you and Taehyung snuck out to town. What were you guys doing?"

The abrupt question almost causes the redhead to spit out his drink. Jimin arched a brow at him, also curious.

They made sure that the queen wasn't paying any heed to their conversation and continued to speak in lower tones.

"You won't believe it, but we happened to come across Yoongi."

At the mention of the name, the youngest brightened up. "Really? What was he doing?"

Taehyung grimaced, rubbing his nape. His rings felt a bit cold against his skin as goosebumps crawled up his neck when recalling what had happened with that baroness.

It was an ugly sight, but he understood the actions taken against something so unjust.

"I'd rather not say."

Pouting, Jungkook glanced at Jimin for support and said boy sighed.

"Did he look fine?"

"As in complexion or behavior?"


"Hm, I'd say he looked about the same as the day we first saw him," Hoseok brought his fingers to his chin. "Although we did run into trouble, we were able to partially ease it..."

The mysteries and hidden meanings were driving the youngest insane. He just wanted to know more about Yoongi, but it was difficult to do so considering he hardly knew anything about him.

There was a pout that placed itself onto his lips without meaning to. It caught the attention of the queen, seeing how his behavior had changed.

"Is something the matter?"

Everyone stopped their chatter, silent as they watched the queen. The weight of her words was enough to carry all the way across to the king's side as the gems on her mask sparkled under the chandelier.

Caught off guard, Jungkook managed to pick himself back up and respond clearly. "No, I am fine. Thank you for your concern, Queen Mariana."

It was strange because she hadn't spoken the entire time until now. She placed her utensils down when all eyes were once again on her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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