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          By the time he had made his second trip in the town and come back home, it was around noon when Sehun finally woke up, groggy and dizzy.


Yoongi had fat tears running down his cheeks as he sobbed into the older's chest. He held his shirt with an iron grip and babbled nonsense about apologies and paying for his sins.

There was confusion, but Sehun let his younger brother cry his heart out. It was always good to let everything out rather than to just bottle it up.

Whenever Yoongi had shown even a speck of his deep, hidden emotions, Sehun was always surprised.

Even if he had known Yoongi since he was ten, he didn't know his previous life, and for that, he had no clue on what made his little brother so cautious and suspicious of everything.

All he knows is that when Junmyeon and he had found Yoongi on the streets, he was bruised up and covered in scars and cuts. It looked as though he had been escaping from something or someone, fearful of anyone around him.

And here the same boy was, bawling his eyes out, gasping for air.

Sehun held him tightly close and rested his chin on the younger's head, soothing him with his hand rubbing calm circles on his back.

Whatever Yoongi's past, Sehun wanted to help him in any way he could. Although left in the dark about his brother's life, he would wait for him to willingly open up.

For now, he would embrace the boy and hug him until he would feel safe, void of any fright.

Oh, what could've happened to have such a selfless, kind boy suffer through something so painful. He has seen with his own eyes how he had grown up too soon to even enjoy his youthful years of innocence, so he can't imagine how he had to live through it before.

As Sehun comforted the younger, said boy settled down to soft whimpers and unsteady breaths of hiccups. Once the hard cries occurred, it was usually too difficult to stop them.

"I'm sorry," Sehun whispered. "I'm supposed to be the older one and yet you seem to be suffering the most."

Sniffing, Yoongi rubbed his eyes and sat back, legs crossed as he sat on the bed.

"But you're not the one responsible for any of my wrongdoings."

"Yes, I am. Even now I'm still as helpless as I have been since years ago. I couldn't protect you then and I couldn't protect you now. Look at you. You're unhappy. The empty, distant haze in your eyes tell more than you may think."

Yoongi gulped a breath of air and gazed up at his brother from under his bangs. Sehun was smiling, but he could also see the pain in his eyes.

It's true. The eyes are the windows to one's soul.

"Happiness should be achieved by ourselves, not hindering others..." Yoongi let his words drift off. "Besides, I'm happy enough with you guys by my side. I couldn't have made it this far."

"And that's where you're wrong and right. Yoongi, happiness isn't something that we can always expect, but it isn't something that we should not not experience. Yes, I do believe that you are happy with us, but I need to be reassured that you will find something else that makes you just as joyful, perhaps even more so.

We find that it's best when we share our joy with others who also share it. Don't ever think that you won't be able to find it, because it's not something you always have to find.

Sometimes it will naturally come to you, even when you may feel that the whole world is against you. A good example is of me and Papa. Our lives may not be the best, but we become thankful and happier when you came into our lives, albeit facing hell together.

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