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  A/N: I finally felt like updating early! Yay me

     If not for understanding the context of the situation, Taehyung would've blamed Yoongi for savagely attacking an innocent person.

But he and Hoseok saw a little bit of what had happened beforehand. He is just as enraged as any human being with a heart would be.

His face is grim from the scene displayed in front of him.

The poor man is clutching his child to his arms, quietly sobbing and cradling her. His voice color slightly changes in tone as his heart shatters.

She has passed away.

Taehyung clenches his jaw tightly and looks the other way. Such a tragedy could not be seen without breaking down himself. It all feels surreal.

Hidden from the eyes of the mighty, the slums are possessed with starving and melancholy people. Many of them are families ranging from the elderly to the young.

It grieves Taehyung knowing that such things exist everywhere, including his own kingdom.

This was actually the first time that he has witnessed an eye-opening event. He was just as secluded from the world despite holding curiosities for its many treasures untold.

He sees Yoongi get up from the corner of his eyes to offer his condolences to the despairing father.

Hoseok steps forward and offers a deep bow. "We're sorry for your loss." Taehyung follows shortly after.

The man lifts his head up and watches them through lidded eyes. His eyes are red and puffy. The beard on his face is not trimmed and catastrophic but incomparable to what he must be feeling.

"Are you guys princes?" he asks through a restricted throat.

Taehyung and Hoseok glance at each other. "Yes, we are."

"My daughter loved the stories of princes and princesses. Although we do not understand the words, the pictures are enough to convey the actions. Before her final death, she got to at least see them in real life as the knight and shining armor."

No one could hold their tears back at this point. Both of the princes were ashamed of themselves. They felt like the man's thanks was uncalled for; they aren't deserving of it when they didn't do anything.

Even when they are people with more power than most others, they were practically useless. A title of royalty with nothing but emptiness following after.

Hoseok can empathize with what the man is going through, too. His mother was bed-ridden and had gone into an eternal slumber years ago when he was young.

Just the thought of his lifeless mother's body sends boulders tumbling into the pit of his stomach.

"If there's anything we can do to help you, we'll oblige," Hoseok said.

"Here. As a matter of fact, take this pouch of gold." Taehyung tries to hand the money over, but the man kindly refuses.

"Would you guys even do all this if you weren't involved? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you guys aren't kind to help a person in need, but could you possibly do that for every single people like me who die out here in the slums?"

For that, none of the princes knew how to respond. Their words were stuck at their throats.

"Our offer still stands, nonetheless," Taehyung assures after a few seconds had passed.

"Then, I would appreciate it if you guys could help me rest my daughter's soul in a nice place."

After that, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Yoongi all dug out dirt on a hill on the outskirts of the town. From this perspective, you could see the view of the mountains and the town from above. The sun's sight was truly stunning.

It is an absolutely peaceful place.

They buried the child and quietly waited as the father said his final words of goodbye.

How sorrowful for a child to leave this world before the parent.

When the father finished, he turned to Yoongi. "I want to thank you for being the first to stop that awful lady. This world needs more people like you."

Yoongi's face was scrunched as he willed himself to not sob again. Instead, he offered a kind smile and hugged the man.

Leaving in the opposite direction, they watch as the guy headed down the hill.

What was he going to do now? It's not like he had anyone to return home to.

That was when Yoongi fell to his knees and slammed his fists onto the ground in utter frustration.

He screamed out as he wailed loudly, tears falling down his face like a broken dam. "Damn it!!!' Why!? Why??!!" He then began to laugh like a mad man, but the tears continued to flow nonstop.

"Why do bad things always happen to innocent people!? It's all unfair! We're just trying to live another day! Damn it all to hell!!"

Hoseok and Taehying were watching speechlessly as the man fell apart. He was crying so loudly that surely the heavens above heard him. The fury and anguish burned in his eyes as it was clouded with an abundance of tears.

It was hard for Hoseok and Taehyung to comfort a man so torn. They don't know what to do or say. However, it was better to say something than nothing at all.

"Listen, there are no words to justify what happens. And maybe I should have told this to the man, but I'll do everything in my power to make sure that things like this don't happen again, even if it may take many years, or even if those people are complete strangers.

I now fully understand what Namjoon is trying to achieve: a world where suffering is at its lowest. And I know that it may seem impossible, but the weight of the crown isn't just for show; it's a representation that we royalty can help others.

I may not know you as well, and we may have gotten off to a bad start, but I want to be here for you if you'd let me."

Taehyung realizes that it is all just words and promises with no ground basis at the moment, nevertheless, he can no longer just stand still and remain ignorant to reality.

He sits on his knees beside Yoongi and slowly brings his hand to the man's shoulder.

Yoongi looks at him and struggles to blink the tears away. Not a second later, Taehyung strokes the tears away with his thumb, resting his palm on Yoongi's cheek.

"Can I really believe in what you say?" Yoongi asks, still hesitant. He isn't one to trust easily.

That's when Hoseok steps in and speaks. "You can believe in both of us." He holds out a hand towards Yoongi and says, "hand me your dagger."

He does so and Hoseok grabs it, abruptly slicing the palm of his hand with it.

"On this day, I vow to keep my word as well as Taehyung and our other friends who also want change for this world."

It was shocking to see this unfold in front of the blue-headed man.

Honestly, Yoongi didn't need validation because he knew that the six princes he encountered had nothing but good intentions. He wasn't expecting Hoseok to go this far, though.

Taehyung chuckles. "You're making me appear lame." He takes out his own sword and cuts himself in the same area as Hoseok did.

They stare at Yoongi with a smile on their face. Yoongi can't help but grin back as he shakes his head.

"Unbelievable. You leave me no choice but to trust you guys."

To this point on, Yoongi's bond with the six princes would only continue to strengthen and grow.

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