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     This was troubling to the core. No matter how much Taehyung tried to ignore it, he would somehow get these bubbles of anger.

He hates feeling this way. Jimin tried to persuade him earlier, to which it kind of worked, but he didn't get why his best friend would go as far as to hand over his mask to that man.

It was practically a taboo in royalty to ever reveal your whole face to anyone besides your family or spouse.

And yet Jimin went and did the unimaginable. Not even he has seen his friend's full face!


Rather than staying in the library all day with Namjoon, he decided to go out where Jungkook would be sparring with the other knights in the courtyard.

Before the prince could leave, however, Namjoon called out to him.

"Alright, talk to me. You've been grumpy all morning."

Taehyung frowned, unable to walk away out of respect for his friend. "You know why I'm upset." He turned back around and plopped down onto a chair, crossing his arms with a pout. Namjoon chuckles.

Sometimes he forgets that Taehyung acts like the youngest a lot more than Jungkook.

"I do, but I'd rather hear you say it from your own mouth."

Five solid seconds of silence passed until the younger ultimately gave up. After all, Taehyung found it difficult to hide anything from Namjoon.

"Argh! Fine!" He fidgets in his seat and plays with his fingers. "I hate that thief!!" Taehyung all but shouts.

Namjoon has an eyebrow arched, unexpecting the younger prince to be so... expressing.

"I don't get why Jimin or Jungkook, even you, are treating this stranger as if he did not trick us and steal from the king of Leakrodia! His bad deeds should be punished! Not to mention the fact that he technically threatened Jungkook with a dagger! And yet we're helping him when we have nothing to benefit from someone like him. Why do I feel like the bad guy..?"

Really, Namjoon was speechless. Although Taehyung surely did act like a child, he has always carried a heavy burden of never being allowed to live his childhood freely.

He's always speculated that Taehyung wanted to run away from the weight of the crown.

"You're so kind, Taehyung. There's no way we would think of you as the bad guy when all you are is worried. And you're right. Yoongi has done awful things that could have his head cut off for, I won't deny that. But I believe violence is never the answer, though it is often unavoidable.

When I was younger, I witnessed a servant and her family get slaughtered in front of my eyes just because that servant stole some pantry food. They were all innocent folks.

That is why you must do everything in your power to make sure that no one else witnesses that or goes through the same experience as that family did. Really, the hierarchy is unjust and cruel to anyone weaker.

I guess you can say that's why I want to give Yoongi a chance. But who knows, maybe it is all just egoic altruism."

Taehyung slightly parts his lips in awe. "Namjoon... Why are you so lukewarm about many things?"

"Oh, uh--" he sputters.

"I'm just kidding." Taehyung is grinning at this point. "Thanks for sharing your story with me. I guess I'll have to try looking at this situation from another perspective. But don't expect me to sit back idly when I feel that something is off," he points at the older in an accusing manner.

Placing his hands up in surrender, Namjoon chuckles. "Noted."

He watches Taehyung leave and glances back at his stack of books, his face grim.

King Eilford had graciously lent them any room to reside in. They would be staying there as representatives of their own kingdoms to build a connection with Leakrodia.

So far, only Namjoon knows of this. His motives behind building an alliance with Leakrodia along with his friends was reckoned to build good trading partners, which is partially true.

Namjoon was thinking about strengthening the connection of the kingdoms because his father had gotten a secret note from a messenger that Draemulex may be planning a war soon.

Draemulex, led by King Faramond, is the second biggest kingdom out of the ten lands.

The King is said to be fearsome and powerful, striking down anyone who stands in its way using his skilled soldiers.

Their borders are also closed off to the majority of things except for trade and meetings with outside delegates.

Seokjin's cousin had requested an audience with the king once, but he was turned down. Namjoon hasn't tried. He worries that their hesitancy for cooperation would higher the chances of the rumors of war becoming true.

Many thought King Faramond was conspiring to overthrow the balance and forcefully take over kingdoms in order to rule as the absolute power.

Some people actually favored the idea of a war raging, however, none understood the true impact it can cause.

Thankfully, there haven't been any wars in four decades. Namjoon just wants to take countermeasures in case and he wants to make sure that King Eilford doesn't join any bad sides.

As for the other two kingdoms, he has no idea what they have been up to. One also has their borders locked up ever since the tragedy that took place over twenty years ago while the other kingdom is near collapse on its own because of the unfairness its people are experiencing.

Famine is circulating its common folk while the royals there are feasting every day.

It may be on the brink of a revolution due to the unwise ruling of their king, that is why no other countries have done anything as of yet.

No one wants to help a king that'll be most likely overthrown by his people. Namjoon wanted to do something about it, but his father had shaken his head.

"A king who cannot seek to feed his people will soon find that he will be eaten by his own."

Now was the right time to make the move uniting kingdoms, especially King Eilford. Ever since his first baby's death, he and his wife had been in a slump. But after the news of an incoming baby, they rejoiced, taking comand once again.

Namjoon had implored to his father that he would take care of the negotiations instead of his older brothers. Hence, he managed to get his friends' kingdoms to follow along.

In this world, connection is a key factor in determining your survival.

However, he can't shake off this feeling that something is going to shift, for the better or for the worse, he just doesn't know what.

A/N: I apologize if this chapter is too boring with all the political stuff, but it is important in the plot. The next chapter will definitely be interesting! Thanks for reading <3

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