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     Namjoon was truly an impeccable man the more Jungkook watched him. Intelligent and intellectual, he is the embodiment of what many wish to be.

He would one day become a magnificent king. It's a shame that he isn't next in line since he is the middle child.

"I'll make this clear," Namjoon clears his throat. "We're not planning to throw you in jail or punish you into doing anything harsh like torture or labor."

"Well, there has to be some form of punishment! I bet King Eilford wanted my head cut off on the guillotine!" Yoongi growled. "That's why I don't understand how you guys will benefit from this because I sure as hell would from a bunch of royals."

Seokjin interrupted. "Look, we don't know what use we could make of you considering that you're still a stranger to us.  But in dues time, when you are needed, you will cooperate with us as your debt. We know of your family situation--"

"Don't you dare do anything to them or I will kill you!!" Yoongi was in full defense mode, eyes glaring daggers that could kill.

Some of the princes flinched.

"Calm down, Yoongi. I didn't mean that as a threat. What I'm trying to say is that your reason for stealing was for your family, correct?"

Yoongi's expression softened then. He relaxed his stance and lightly sighed, brows still furrowed.

"So? What if I did?"

"Then that means you're not as bad as a person we thought you were," Jungkook simpered. There was a sort of relief set in his face.

"Not me," Taehyung rolled his eyes, arms crossed as he leaned against the bed frame.

Jimin swat at his shoulder. "Why are you so negative?"

"Am I the only one who thinks this is idiotic!? Clearly, this is all strange! There's no reason to help this man." He turned to Hoseok. "Do you believe any of this??"

Hoseok kept silent for a while and nimbly answered, "I don't know."

Taehyung huffed out in exasperation and stormed out of the room, ears practically fuming.

"I'll talk to him," Jimin left, too.

The atmosphere had gotten dark.

"See. No matter what, a commoner like me would be seen as nothing but a disgusting thief. I appreciate that you're letting me go, but royals like you shouldn't involve yourself with people like me. The world isn't so nice to have mercy."

As Yoongi shifted to leave, Jungkook grabbed his wrist.

"What now?"

"Um..." Jungkook tried finding every excuse to make the man stay, even if for a little longer. "W-what about Hoseok's pendant?"

"Oh, that." He stuffed his hands in his pockets to search for the necklace, but to no avail, it wasn't there. Slightly beginning to panic, he removed his coat and flipped it inside out. "Uhh, there seems to be a problem... I can't find it. But I swear I left it in here since yesterday!"

The princes' faces we're grim, confused just as much as the man behind it all.

"Did you lose it?" Namjoon questioned.

"I-I don't know. I could've misplaced it."

"Dear Lord, don't tell me you lost it!?" Seokjin accentuated a bit more dramatically.

"Aha, then we cannot let you off this easily," Jungkook pointed out. "You see, that pendant is precious to our Hoseok. That will be your first mission in paying off your debt."

Hoseok's face was contorted. "But I already--" Jungkook grabbed his cheeks.

"You see how sad he is."

Groaning, Yoongi awkwardly scratched his nape. "And what type of debt will that be?"

"Well... The pendant costs approximately ninety gold coins."

"N-ninety!? I wouldn't even be able to pay half of that off in the rest of my remaining existence!!"

"All the more reason you need to return the pendant."

The more Yoongi watched that evil smirk of Jungkook's, he began to regret ever getting involved with them. They were definitely not his saviors in the least bit.

If Sehun or Junmyeon found out about what he was doing, they'd personally punish him.

He glanced outside the window; it was starting to get dark, so he needed to get back to his brother or else he'll cause him to worry ceaselessly.

"Fine, I'll return that pendant once I get my hands on it. How do I get in contact with you?"

"We'll be staying here for the next two weeks on official business with the Kingdom of Leakrodia. Our knights will be on post on the outskirts of the castle, so just go to them whenever you need something. Here's a badge to show passage." Namjoon handed the badge over. It contained fancy carvings and symbolism of royalty.

A knocking came from the other side of the door. "Prince Namjoon, we have to meet the delegates soon."

"Alright. We're on short time so we'll be taking our leave. Please excuse us." Bowing, Namjoon was the first to leave, shortly following the rest as they curtly did the same.

Yoongi wondered what Hoseok was thinking as he left the room. He must've detested him just as much as Taehyung did.

Other than that, what a weird dream he had. Just before he awoke, he dreamt that someone had kissed him. He must be going crazy.

Either that or he was plagued with sickness.

"Sard," he mumbles.

Once the princes had gotten to their carriage, Hoseok turns to Jungkook.

"Why'd you lie to him?"

"Technically it's not a lie since he did lose the pendant."

Seokjin laughs his windshield laughter. "Jungkook has become quite the smart deceiver."

"Remind me to never be in debt with you," Namjoon jokes.

Looking out the window, Jungkook thinks back to earlier. Yoongi was in the room, unconscious from fainting.

Jungkook had walked in by himself to check the man's condition.

By a stroke of luck, the pendant was poking out from Yoongi's pocket, hence Jungkook found it as an opportunity. As he was doing so, he got a closer look at the man below him.

His little snores made his chest heave up and down, his lips were pouting and pink, shirt exposing a fraction of his collarbone.

Unknowing of what had inclined him to do so, Jungkook bent down and kissed the man.

His lips we're impeccably soft and it almost drove Jungkook half insane. He wanted more.

But he willed himself to stop because this was wrong. He gasped and pulled himself away, hands going shaky.

Whatever just happened, wrong or right, Jungkook had stepped into a whole new world.


"Where were you!?" Sehun slapped Yoongi on his back. "I was worried!"

"Ow... Big brother, that hurts. I was just so immersed that I lost track of time."

"Hmph! That's still no excuse. Sheesh, I wish there was some sort of invention that would allow us to communicate far distance."

"Ha! Are you crazy? How could such a thing exist?"

Sehun scoffs. "You never know!"

Yoongi giggled. He promises that he won't let anything bad happen to Sehun or his papa anymore.

A/N: aww, kookie is our gay boy in here
Sorry for the slow updates! And as most of the time, NOT proofread

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