Day 1

418 11 9

When was your first time playing Legend of Zelda? What game was it? How was your experience?

My cousin used to play Zelda games on his gameboy whenever he came up from the states and I always watched him, and wanted to play. He would play Minish Cap and Four Swords, they looked like fun, but he was an arse and never let me play....a few years ago my dad bought me Twilight Princess for christmas. I was pretty excited, but I had no idea how to play. It took me a while to figure it out but by the time christmas came around again I had just finished it and fallen in love. I had played it over a good five times after that (I know...obsessed!) but it was soo good! The music..oh my god!! For some reason not as many people like it as I thought, I have no clue why but youtube is full of criticism. I will also add how much I actually liked the final battle (not the horse part though, that parts annoying....) but when the sword fight came along it was awesome! When the clashed there swords and you had to overpower him, it was the best! The dungeons were pretty good too (except the city in the sky,hated that one..boss was good tho) my favorite temple in that game would probably I can't really say I have a favorite one...I mean the dungeons are good but, well, I don't have a favorite, none of them really stood out to me, but other than that it was pretty good. My favorite boss in that game was either the Zant battle or the final battle, Zant is one crazy guy, with being all chill in the beginning to being compleatly insane at the end, my I just say what a cool villan! I liiked his battle cause you got to use all of your items and it was fun trying to remember how you beat all the other bosses. (Also loved the music!) So, to conclude, Twilight Princess was the first Zelda game I fully played, it was amazing, one of my favorites, and I suggest you play!


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