Day 30

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What are your thoughts on the Zelda WiiU game?

Well here we are...the last day..I must say, I am quite happy it's over, I always fell behind on this and I felt terrible. But let's get back to day 30....So what do I think? I think it looks amazing!!!! Oh my goodness! The graphics! The, the, the Link! Oh my!! I seriously can't wait!! And have I mentioned the grass?! I'm gonna be rich in the first few minutes of the game! (Deep breaths) I can't wait to hear more about it!! They have only showed so much of this game, and I need more! Now! I can't wait to hear the plot and story. As I have mentioned before, I look for good stories, characters you can connect to, and of course, what Link is like, what he feels, you need a connection with the main character in order to enjoy the gane fully. But that's just from my point of view. I'm also very excited to see if they have created a different design for Zelda like they did for Link, and I can't wait to see where it stands in the time line. Uh! I just can't wait!!!!

Thanks everyone for reading! I have had a great time sharing my thoughts with all of you! I hope you read my other stories, I'm sure they'd make much more sense. Bye!

May the triforce be with you!


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