Day 5

68 6 4

Which game do you personally think is the most challenging and most easiest, why?

Well like I've said before I haven't played that many games so I'm not really sure what games are easy and hard but I can try my best to pick from what I've played. To be honest I have to say Twilight Princess was probably the easiest Zelda game I've played. Other than a few puzzles and other stuff that was sometimes hard there wasn't really any difficulty there. For hardest games...well I can't say any of the ones I've played are actually hard...but once again, I haven't played that many games so I can't really say what's easy and what's hard in this series. Maybe I'll do this again when I have more experience...that sounds like a plan. But for now, Twilight Princess is pretty easy (I can get through a dungeon in like half an hour to an hour...I'm pretty skilled) Well see you tomorrow!


( I tired to post yesterday before I went to bed but wattpad didn't let me, so that's why I'm posting now, I will today's later tonight when I get the chance, high school is rough. So yeah. Sorry everyone!)

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