Day 10

45 3 2

What is your favorite version of Link and Zelda, why?

.....this must be getting boring by's very obviously going to be Link and Zelda from Skyward Sword. I mean, I have talked about them so much I could probably copy and paste from almost all the days. Makes me kinda sad it's all I get to talk about...even though I could talk about this game for days....this won't be very long considering everyone already knows what I'm going to say, and there isn't much I have to say for people to agree with me. I mean, everyone should ship Link and Zelda, I know, I will forever ship Link and Zelda, it's just something everyone must do. Or else, I don't like you. They are in love in this game, you can tell by the way they look at each other in the beginning to the way he stays with her on the surface at the end. It's just pure love. The other reason why I love them in this game is cause you actually want to save her! In most games you spend two cut scenes with the girl and she expects you to save her. What's up with that? She should at least kiss him for what he has done! Goodness Zelda..commen sense here! Is there really much more I have to say? If you want more go read previous days and you'll get what I'm saying. Bye!


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