Chapter 24

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                            Violet POV

"Aren't you remotely concerned that she's carrying your child Jack??" violet questioned.
"A bit but that doesn't take away the fact its my child even though I kill them" he replied.
She had no words to say then although it does seem fishy. Soon everyone left to go do their own thing yet Laughing Jack didn't seem remotely concerned the fact he's going to be a father.
"I'm more worried for (y/n) and the child being around the killers" violet thought to herself.

Bloody painter POV

Finishing a painting of a family to soon take a break. Thinking of Puppeteer he'd quickly covered the painting and went to go find him. After a while Bloody painter found the puppeteer in the cafeteria nibbling on some snacks. Joining him they had a conversation about whatever.

Sally Williams POV

Little sally played with her teddy bear and a little plastic tea set with Jane the killer and clock work until sally got hungry. All went to the cafeteria to get a snack before (y/n) and violet made a meal for us. Although sally felt as if something was wrong with (y/n) she couldn't understand the concept of what was going on.

Masky POV

Both Masky and Hoodie sighed while they played a game together soon feeling as if something was missing. Both shrugged it off and continued to play their game.
"Don't you ever wonder what goes on through a humans mind?" Hoodie asked.
"Sometimes, but I try not to think to much of their personal lives" Masky replies.
They looked at each other as if smiling at each other under their masks. Shrugging it off as they paused the game to go for a walk down the long halls.

((Not sure if I should continue this X Reader but I'll end it here for now and hope everyone enjoys))

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