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Begin Story

3rd POV

Wolf 1: Oh! well well well what have we here I haven't seen one of you no furs for a couple of years now.

Y.N starts to tremble and craw back with fear written all over his face 

Y.N p-please don't hurt me 

Wolf 3: what was that? i couldn't quite hear you!  

 he decks you across the face splitting your lip open

Wolf 2: wow who knew you were so weak! I'm glad were not like you any more....Y.N!

as he starts to press on your chest with his foot

Y.N: wha-what? h-how do you k-know me? i never did any thing to you!

Wolf 1: listen to him! you don't remember us well we'll have to beat the memories back into your head! 

all three of them begin to beat Y.n into the ground

Wolf 3: Just as weak as before! Come on put up a fight!

as he picks you up and then he bites your shoulder  then anthor stands Y.n up and he lands a blow into his stomach and hears a sickening crack as 2 of Y.n's ribs brake and start to puncture his lungs

the beating continues as it goes on longer and longer Y.n can barely even lift up his arms and then one of the wolfs stomps on his arm snapping the bone and another pulls a crow bar out of the jeep and smashes it against y.n's shin Shattering the bone> 



Then the 3 wolfs stop and Y.n slowly opens his eye and see's one of the wolfs pull out a knife and tells the others something

Wolf 1: Oh you did nothing to us... But it was always fun to beat you up because your so week  Well this has been Fun catching up Y.n but we got places to be.... grab him. 

Wolf 2 and 3 and run and grab Y.n' arms and legs holding him down as the other wolf starts walking towards him with the knife out.

Y.n: *sob* Pleash Pleash don't! *Sniff*    as you try to talk and get out of the wolf's grasp the 1st wolf grabs you by the chin and holds you in place let's make this permanent so no one will ever want to see you again!

he goes to slash at your eye but you manage to bite his hand and he jumps back in pain yelping. 

Wolf 1: OH YOU SON OF A-  your going to pay for that.

 he walks up to you and slashes at your right eye making blood gush out of your face


They let go of you and you roll around in the parking lot screaming in agony holding the right side of your face 

Wolf 3: EW! gross he got Human blood all over my nice fur! as he hits you one last time 

Wolf 1: Lets get out of here before the fuzz Shows up.

Wolf 2: See you later NO FUR!

The three wolfs get back in there jeep and roll out of the parking lot and down the road laughing and yelling. You start to pull you self back to your truck with  you good arm and trying to push with your good leg only managing to get to the truck tire before passing out.


8:45 PM

Kassie POV

Kassie Phone call: i Told you Dawn there was no one is in that house it's probably full of dust and spiders or something.

Dawn Phone call: Fine you got me. But why did you need to borrow my car? I need it for school tomorrow.

Kassie Phone call: You owe me for dragging me up there for nothing besides i'll put gas in it then ill pick you and Dusk up tomorrow for school.

Dawn: Fine But you better not be late! Hay if you stop By ride till dusk my sis is working tonight and she can get you a dollar discount on gas and some snacks ok?

Kassie Phone call: Fine Will do.

I hang up the phone and i see Ride till Dusk across the 4 way stop. 

Kassie thoughts: well her car is low on gas i might as well fill Dawn's car for her.

I Pulled up to the gas station next to a Big white truck  and walked inside and up to the counter seeing that no one was there i rang the service bell and Dusk came runing out of the back room shouting


Kassie: Whoa dusk chill its just me

Dusk: Oh hay Kass whats up?

Kassie: Oh not much..could you out $45 on Gas pump number 4 Please 

Dusk: oh sure.    By the way could you tell the guy in the white truck to move it or something. hes been siting there for a couple of hours now.

Kassie: yeah Gotcha.

I walked out not thinking much about the truck. I opened the gas cap on the car and stared to fill the car with gas


Kassie thoughts: What was that?


I start looking around and figure out that it's coming from the other side of the big truck next to me.  


3rd Pov

Kassie starts to look around and walks to the other side of the truck 

Kassie: Hello? is there anyone Over here?

Y.n: *Wheeze*


Kassie stares at Y.N Sitting in a Pool of blood with a Big Gash in the side of his face with his leg bent the wrong way.  Y.n see's her and stars coughing up blood while starting to try to crawl away wheezing in the process. Kassie Instantly pulls out her phone and begins to dial 911

Y.N thoughts: NO not Another one I need to get away! 

and suddenly Y.n fainted From losing to much blood 

Kassie: YES hello?!? she says in a frantic tone. I need an ambulance right away at the Ride till dusk gas station Someones been hurt very badly.

Operator: One's on it's way right now! 

As kassie put's her phone away she only now notices that you were a no fur.



Hay here's chapter 2 to keep you all interested

BTW: ill try to write when i find the time I've got a lot of finals in school right now


(1050 Words)


A changed furry world (furry girls x male reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ