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Outside Kassies window were flashes of blue and red that shown brightly through the rain. The police officers who were at the scene had set up a tarp above the scene of Hunters death as to keep it dry.

Officer 1: looks like someone had a blood bath here.

Officer 2: more than that look at the poor guys throat. It's split open

As more officers and detectives filled the scene there were more clues to what happened to the young man and his untimely death.

Officer 3: It looks more like a one sided fight. The dead one has a gun on him amd theres six shells on the ground inferring that the other suspect was most likely shot.

Officer 1: where did they go?

Officer 3: don't know, alot of the blood has washed away from the rain. But we did get a sample of the blood and we found a few bullets embedded in the wall behind us.

Inspectors and journalists were now photographing the scene against the wishes of to police. Up in the appartment Kassie was listening to the officers through an open window while cleaning Y.n. Y.n had passed out due to blood loss and Kassie placed him in the tub to keep the blood contained. Turning on the water she pulled off his shirt and her horamons flooded her mind telling her to touch Y.n. To feel him but she pushed it out of her mind and focused on helping Y.n in anyway possible. She looked away and pulled of his shorts quickly covering up his crotch with a hand towel from the counter top. Kassie took a few deep breaths to control herself and she looked over Y.n's body.

Kassie Thoughts: He's so cute~ NO SNAP OUT OF IT. He's hurt this not the time!

She scrubbed the dryed blood of his arms and torso with a bar of soap slowly making her way to his head. Kassie took some shampoo and started to work on the grime and mud mating Y.n's hair to his head. While scrubbing some mud fell of revealing some white splotches of hair dirtied and held down by more mud

Kassie: what are these white spots? I didn't notice them before.....

Kassie scrubbed harder and the two white spots shot up revealing that they were two ears just like hers. Dumbfounded and confused she pulled on one of them and they twitched out of her hand.

Kassie: t-these can't be real!..... what has James done to you?.....

Y.n heard the question and tried to speak to Kassie but came out barely louder than a whisper.

Y.n: K-k-kassie.....

Kassie heard y.n and immediately hugged him tightly. Making the young man groan in discomfort.

Kassie: Y.n i missed you what happened?

Y.n: i-it hurts.....

Kassie: I know it hurts but stay as still as possible so i can help you.

Y.n: h-h-hurts

Y.n moved his hand down to the hand towel and pulled it up to the middle of his thigh. On his thighs were marks of where stitches used to be the skin remaining was twisted and scarred. Kassie ran her hand over the skin and y.n winced at her touch.

Kassie: Y.n im so sorry.

Y.n could only nod his head a few times before he feel back into a deep slumber. Kassie watched as his chest continued to go up and down indicating that he was still breathing. Kassie could only imagine what could have done that to y.n. She had a feeling that some one had betrayed Y.n and that person is going to go through hell and back. Kassie continued to clean Y.ns body. She scrubbed off all the mud and blood still stuck to his skin. She turned him over quickly moving the towel covering Y.n's crotch over his but. But Unknown to Kassie Y.n's tail flipped the towel off and dumbfounded a second time she stared at the tail that twitched back and forth like it had a mind of its own. She starred at the tail for a little bit thinking to her self about what that meant to her.

Kassie: If his tail is anything like mine its super sensitive to the touch........

Kassie reached out and lightly grasped Y.n's tail. Y.n's breathing heavily increased and his tail started to move wildly in her hand trying to get it self free. She let go and thought to her self again.

Kassie: ~it is like my tail~

Kassie's mind started started to go wild thinking about the new additions to Y.n's body. All of the sudden she could feel a liquid run down her inner thigh and she realized what was happening. Kassie quickly stood up and turned on the sink splashing her face quickly with cold water. After the little mishap she quickly finished washing Y.n's body staying away from his crotch area. When Kassie was finally done she took his clean cloths that she threw in the the instant clean and she slowly slid the white shorts along with the white tattered shirt back on to his body and she still being taller and stronger than Y.n carried him to the bedroom and layed y.n down on the bed. She getting in with him.

Kassie: Maybe a little nap couldn't hurt...... Its just like when we were back in the hospital.

She turned and spooned Y.n pulling him closely to her body.

[Time skip]

Kassie opened her eyes to a fidgety Y.n she could see that his face was red and that he was definitely not used to being held by a girl in bed .

Kassie thoughts: Still as cute as ever...

She slowly turned her head to loom at the clock which read 8:00 in the afternoon. She then decided to speak to Y.n

Kassie: good evening sleepy head.

Y.n stopped moving and she could see the blush on has face increase.

Kassie: it's good to see you again.

Y.n: I-it's nice to see you to k-k-kassie.

Kassie: Y.n~

Y.n: y-yes Kassie?

Kassie: ~~you know we missed you right?~~


It was now Kassie's turn to become a little fidgety.

Kassie: Y.n i-i need your help.

Y.n: w-what is i-it?

Kassie: well a day after you were kidnapped by james (small growl) I started my heat cycle and the only thing I can do is wait it..

Y.n knowing where this might be headed made his face more red the longer he was quiet.

Kassie: Y.n~~~~~ could....we do it?

Kassie was producing pheromones so heavily that Y.n could barely resist. So he kept his eyes shut and tried not look at her. Kassie sniffed the air started to smell something new.. something...........delicious.......... it was Y.n starting to produce his own pheromones in response to Kassies

Kassie: I take that as a yes

(1156 Words)

Ayyyyyy so about this chapter i decided to split it up into two parts so watch out for the nexy chapter in a few days

Chapter preview
If you don't want this story ruined please go to the next chapter right now.



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oh one more thing is anyone here an artist that would be willing to draw a character for shade? I can find any pictures that display her correctly.


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