Shade. of Gray (drop of lemon juice)

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Y.n was currently in his room laying on his back on the ground shirt less breathing heavily. While shade was outside yelling his name and trying to pry the door open.

Shade: Y.n come out i promise i wont be so rough with you this time.

Y.n: N-no thank y-y-you

Shade: oh come on i just wanna see you again

Catrina: Shade why do you get to hog him i want to have him as well i need him


Pearl: what about me i want him and his little Wolfie ears are so cute and so was his moaning~.

Leon: why don't we share him? Im sure blakley would love to mark him as well

Blakly: i wouldn't just mark him he would be my Bitc-


Shade: no one talks about my Y.n that way he is my mate...   but i will share him with you all

All: ok~

Flash back
The digital clock on the far wall of the testing room read 4:50 in the morning Y.n was sleeping on a grass patch curled up into a small human ball. Unknown to him he was being watched by four of the five girls.

Blakley: is it time yet.

Leon: shade said to wait. so not yet

Catrina: im sick of waiting

Pearl: me about we just leave shade out of this and just start with out her

All: agreed

Hearts started to form in the girls eyes as they slowly crawled toward Y.n through the grass. After a few minutes the had reached him and they were staring at his little wolf ears that twitched every once and a while. There minds ran wild with fantasies and circumstances that included Y.n as the main roll. At that point leon couldn't hold back. She got down on her knees and she slipped her hand up under Y.n's white shirt and she felt up Y.n's chest and back making Y.n start to breathe more intensely but not wake up.

Catrina: Even though he's a wolf i just can't resist him!

Catrina layed down and started to sniff the back of Y.n's neck while licking him.

Y.n shot awake and tryed to sit up but he was covered and pushed down into the grass.

Y.n gi-girls?  What Are y-you doing?

At this point the girls where all holding y.n in a different ways. Bakley pushed Y.n's head onto her thighs Leon was now spooning him catrina was hugging him from the front and pearl was laying on top of him and they were all trying to push him into ther cleavage.

Catrina: oh yes Y.n that feels so good keep moving

Leon: you smell amazing. she started to lick around Y.n's neck where the collar of his shirt was

This made the young man embarrassed to say the least then blakley started to caress his white Wolf ear and Pearl took ahold of his tail and started to stoke it slowly but keep speeding up. All the Senses overwhelmed the poor man and he became a blushing and moaning mess

Y.n: p-please ahh please stop Ahhh-

This only got the girls more riled up and they increased there rubbing and stroking of his ears and tail

Y.n: S-S-SHADE HELP ME! gahhh~

There was a big splash and all of the girls suddenly stopped and everyone was looking over at the pool shade had jumped out of the pool and was waking over to Y.n


Pearl: n-nothing shade

Catrina became scared out of her mind and started babbling nonsense

Catrina: w-we were just tired of waiting and you w-were taking to long and we wanted him and

Shade: tsk tsk tsk catrina your off the hook (lol) for telling me the truth but the rest of you are in deep trouble she dove into the pile of people and tossed everyone off of Y.n and then she picked him up bridal style

Y.n: Thankyou s-shade


Shade outside: your welcome little wolf now (she got very close to y.ns ear) it's time for that favor you owe me. Twice.  

Y.n: I-I-I

Shade pressed her fingers to Y.n's lips and shushed him while doing that Y.n noticed that she had carried him over to the edge of the pool the pool was dark with no lights in it and a tile pice that said Fifteen feet deep

Y.n shade?

Shade suddenly dropped Y.n into the pool which was heated to a very warm temperature.

Shade: Because you are my man Y.n i need to mark you so no other girl try's anything.

She jumped in after Y.n who was swimming to the side of the pool the four other girls had lined up around the pool and was trying to watch what was happening. Shade swam up to Y.n and hugged him from behind and pulled him back into the middle of the pool.

Y.n: Please s-shade im not r-ready to be a dad

Shade: your not going to be a dad Y.n but i still need to show these Girls that your already taken as a man

Somehow shade and Y.n were floating in the water without them having to try and swim.

Shade: so to start

She wrapped her legs around Y.ns restraining him from kicking and squirming. she also turned him around so they were face to face and chest to chest. She then started to feel up his back and pulled his head into a kiss with Y.n moaning into the kiss shade bit his lower lip asking for entrance but he refused so she grabbed his tail and pulled it forcing him to gasp. Shade put her tongue into Y.n's mouth and licked every tooth in the process. Y.n was in a euphoric state and could barely think straight.

Y.n thoughts: i need to get out if this

Just then shade bit into Y.n's neck with her sharp teeth and he let out a howl of pain.

Shade: sorry Y.n i just had to mark whats mine-

Y.n Suddenly and faster than shade could see he dove under the water. The girls look around and tryed to spot y.n while shade was shocked just floating in the water. Y.n burst out of the water and landed on the grass outside of the pool. He looked over to shade with red eyes and not his natural blue ones

Primal Y.n: Never again!

Primal Y.n sprinted to the door outline in his room ripped the door of of it's hinges ran inside and put the door back in place.

1127 words
Goodness tho
This chapter took a long time to write for some reason but was really good.

No im not on a regular update schedule yet but maybe someday

I wanto you all to go check out my guy BattleBro he made the book cover and he has a really cool book called
[Project Furry329] its a really good book well i like it anyway. GO CHECK HIM OUT

Hope you enjoyed the chapter


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