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Kassie POV
Kassie:  HE'S WHAT?!?!

I picked up the chair I was sitting on and started threaten T.I.E

T.I.E: Kassie I need you to calm dow-

Kassie: Dont you dare tell me to calm down you bucket of bolts! You just allowed some Lunatic Human to kidnap Y.n and exprimant on him? Mind you that he had already been kidnapped before!

T.I.E: KASSIE ROBERTS!! Y.n will be returned to you in time but for now I need you to pretend like he doesn't exist anymore ok?

Dusk: Are you kidding me? We all care about Y.n and we want him back right now!

Dawn: If you dont give him back to us we will take you apart and force you to tell us where he is!!

The 3 Girls start to back T.i.e into a corner and start to think that they have the upper hand when all of the sudden T.I.E's two arms split into four  different arms all armed with buzz saws, Swords, a Mini Gun and a tranquilizer. Dawn and Dusk did a double take and started to back off but Kassie stood her ground against T.I.E

T.I.E: I  suggest that you sit back down or I will force you to Miss, Robert's

Kassie knowing she could not win sat down.

T.I.E: Now please try to listen to what I have to say before jumping to conclusions ok?

Kassie/ Dawn/ Dusk: .....

Character change
James POV

James: Recording start. I have been able to find out how to trigger an enraged version of Y.n. it happens when Y.n goes though an increase in pain. Put when on a sedative the enraged side does not show. I will put Y.n on a emotional reducer and put him into the social experiment with test subjects 1-5 begin test. recording end

I flipped a few switch and a computer screen Infront of me flipped to a live video of Y.n's room he was still naked  hanging in the air by the shackles  around his wrists ankles and neck but his head was limp and he was sleeping his tail was limp but it twitched every couple of seconds

James: Crap I forgot to take him down

I pressed a button and a loud speaker came on

speaker:Y.n wake up

I watched as Y.n head jolted up and his tail curled up around his crotch and his wolf ears twitched back and forth his eyes were wide with fear.

Speaker: I need you to get dressed. Please put on the clothes I left for you under the sink in your room

Y.n: H-how can I I'm stuck.

The shackles released him and he fell to the ground with a thump

I dropped to the ground and rubbed my wrists and neck they had been in the shackles for far to long Just then I realized that I had a tail it was covering my Privates and it moved away from my hand when I tried to touch it I managed to grab it and it was the softest thing I had ever touched

Speaker: y.n please stop touching your self  *Snicker*  and get the clothes on please

I walked over the the doors under the sink under the sink was a white shirt that said W-1-1 and a pair of shorts that said W-1-2 it had a hole in them for my tail to fit through

Y.n: That's it?

Speaker: yep now get it on or do I need to encourage you?

A small jolt of electricity came from the collar around my neck.

Y.n: Nonononono. No need f-for that

I put on the clothes and looked in the mirror

Y.n: thoughts I'll never get used to having four ears I touched the two white ears on the top of my head they twitched and I winced at the touch

Y.n thoughts:  it still hurts when I touch them even though there all furry

Loud speaker: Y.n please walk over to the door way marked with the number two

I walked over and stood next the the door a heard a click come from the door

Loud speaker: Proceed

Opening the door the first thing I saw was the big maze room but there was no maze there was a few large rocks alot of grass a pool and most of all there were five other people specifically five other girls There heads all looked straight at me and I immediately slammed the door shut.

Y.n: nope

Character change

Kassie POV

T.I.E: So that's why Y.n is needed to do this experiment but he will be brought back to you and I make a promise that he will

Dawn: thank you

Dusk: yes that really explains everything really well.

I sat there in silence as the two girls sat talking with T.I.E

Kassie: thank you T.I.E I was just really worried about Y.n

T.I.E: that is understandable Kassie thank you for apologizing to me

Dawn: While we are here can you give  us the grand tour of Y.n's house?

T.I.E: Oh By all means fallow me!

We fallowed T.i.e around Y.n's house and he showed us the many different rooms and we eventually got to Y.ns room and T.i.e stopped infront if his door

T.I.E: so this is Y.ns room but I don't think he'll want you going in there at all............back down stairs we go

Dawn and Dusk fallowed T.i.e but I decided to take a look in Y.n's room.

Kassie thoughts: He wouldn't mind if I took a few of his shirts right?

I open the door and the first thing I noticed was the many different synthesizers and instruments of all kind I walk to his dresser and opened a drawer and took out 3 shirts I sniffed his shirt I started to drool

Kassie thoughts: His scent is still on it I want more

I look through the closet and found a laundry basket I started to reach for it but quickly pulled my hand away. I took the shirts and walked out of Y.n's room and I slowly shut the door

(1026) Words


hello everyone I wanted to give you all another chapter thanks for waiting 

Life problems still exist but I will try to reply to your comments

Stay frosty!

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