An exhausted physical

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(Pc means phone call)
T.i.e Pc: Hello who is this?

Kassie Pc: this is one of Y.n's friends

T.i.e Pc: how did you get this number?

Kassie Pc: I got it off of Y.n's phone

T.i.e Pc: ok--- WAIT did something happen to him?

Kassie pc: w-well he was kidnapped and we can't find him

T.i.e pc: hmmm when did this happen

Kassie pc: yesterday about one o'clock PM

T.i.e pc: Kassie Listen to me  have you ever seen the abandoned house outside of town?

Kassie Pc:yes?

T.i.e: I need you to drive there and I'll explain what has happened to Y.n

Kassie: is he ok?

T.i.e: he's fine just meet me there ok? I need to go goodbye

Kassie: uhhhhh ok?

Character change
James POV

Loud speaker: Y.n you have stopped for 5 seconds.....keep running

*⚡shocking sounds⚡*

Y.n: Ahhhhhh

I was watching Y.n from a observation deck as he found his way through a giant maze I had set up for him. I watched a screen that was showing Y.n's heart beat, stress levels, and where he was in the maze. Y.n had fallen to the ground panting and sweating

Loud speaker: laying down.

*⚡shock sounds ⚡*

Y.n: Ahhhh *pant pant* n-no I won't run any more I'm not a dog!!  *pant*

Loud speaker: refusing to finish the Test....level five shock administered


Y.n: Gahhhh!!! F-fine!

I continued to watch as Y.n found his way through the maze. He soon made it through the maze faster than any previous recorded subjects

Loud speaker: congratulations for getting the fastest time out of 5 other subjects

James: recording start
Y.n has just finished the Maze in record time out of the 5 other current subjects. It seams like the serum I gave him also increased his IQ this needs to be tested at another point In time



James: Sorry Y.n I need you to go back to your room

Y.n: At least let me out of the zip tie hand cuffs Please??


Y.n began to stumble off twords his room almost hitting his shoulder on the door way on his way out of the maze room and into his living quarters.

I pressed a button on the controll panel infront of me and sections of the maze disappeared into the floor

James: next test----social interaction test subjects included- Parrot, Shark, Lion, Cat, and Bear. I have doubts putting test subject Wolf in because of his more prominent genetic similarities to a wolf I shall now begin to set up the testing facility

Character change
Dawn POV

Me, Dawn, and Dusk had just pulled into the driveway of the abandoned house we could see a figure walking around inside moving things around

Dusk: Y.n's friend told you to come here right?

Kassie: yes

Dawn: and your sure this is the right place right?

Kassie: yes

Dusk: do you know this Friend?

Kassie: yes

Dawn: are you sure-

Kassie: YES IM SURE! goodness

Just then the figure that was inside the house stepped out onto a deck that was built over top of the garage and waved

T.i.e: You must be Kassie, Dawn, and Dusk! Please come on in.

The figure gestured his hand for us to come into the house.

Dawn: Kassie let's go this doesn't feel right

Kassie: I don't care as long as I get my Y.n back I'll go do anything

Dusk: wait I thought we were going to share him.

Kassie: well I wasn't the one who was trying to kiss him while we were swimming!

Dusk put on a defeated look while getting out of the car.

Dusk: ugh fine!!

We all walked up the path and onto the deck

Kassie: Hello where did you go?

T.I.E: Come in please

We looked over at the door and Tie was standing in the door way.  All of us walked in to what we assumed to be Y.n's house.

Dusk: Wow I didn't know Y.n had such a nice home

T.I.E: thank you have a seat on the couch over in the living room I'll be back with some cookies

We all sat there in silence as we heard Tie walking around in the kitchen

Dawn: So when do you think we should ask him where Y.n is?

Kassie: Soon but not yet we need to make sure we can trust him

Dusk: Are you joking? You saw him at the hospital right

Kassie: ye---ah I guess I did

T.I.E: Ok! Here are the cookies.      So.     You wanted to know where y.n is?

Kassie: do you know where he is?

T.I.E : Infact I do

Dawn/Dusk: where is he do you know?

T.I.E: I was told that Y.n is currently in a room sleeping

Kassie: ok cut it with the funny stuff ok? were really worried about him

Character change

I was currently restrained by Chains around my neck, legs, and arms

James: recording start
The heart rate of Test subject wolf can increase rapidly and produce more blood than a  natural human. I was able to drain 5 gallons of blood before unconscious. Test subjects blood will be used for different purposes throughout the facility.

( I'm American sorry for using gallons)

Y.n: (weakly) p-please s-stop it hurt-ts

James: fine you have earned a break for being so obedient

Y.n: Thank you

I watched as Y.n's head slowly went limp and he was hanging up in the air. I walked out of the room and into the controll booth and looked out into the main laboratory test room

Parrot: Who do you think the new person is?

Lion: I hope it's a cute boy

Parrot: I want it to be a cool guy I can fight with

Cat: can it be a little mousey boy?

Bear: No please no I don't like mice running around my fee

Shark: I want it to be a hot boy I can mate with

I watched as the began to wonder which the new person is

James: heh nope

(1016) words

Hay all here's another chapter enjoy
BTW my schedule is still jacked up so don't expect weekly updates

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