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James POV
I had just woken up from what I would call a well earned night of rest. 

James thoughts: well time to go back to work

I slowly trudged back to laboratory and i got to the hall where i could walk to the different testing rooms. I walked down the hall to Where Y.n was being kept. I opened his door to find Y.n in his bed sleeping while shirtless.

James :*Yawn* recording start. Over the past couple of day Since Y.n's body reacted to the *YAAWWWWNN* Canis Lupis Serum his body has also gone through a couple minor changes as well.

Y.n's ear twitched

james thoughts: thats a good place to start

James: Y.n's Human ears unlike the rest of the test subjects have become almost nonexistent and his white wolf ears that formed on the top of his head have become the main source of sound reception..

Then Y.n's eyes shot open and Y.n jumped up and away from James

Y.n: G-go away!

James: woah woah woah. Calm down dude. It's to early for this.

Y.n looked over at James and then to the wall where a clock was

Y.n: Y-your Just P-pulling my leg Aren't y-y-you

James: what?? *yawn* its like six in the morning right?

Y.n: no i-its like five i-i in the afternoon noon

James: oh well.........good evening i guess. . . . . So. . . . How did you get back in your room?

Y.n: we-well its a l-long story

James: we got time.

*time skip to where Y.n tells James what happened*

Shade POV
I could her james inside Y.ns room talking to him. I could feel my skin start to crawl because my man was talking to someone other than me

James: wow you had an eventful night then didn't you.

Y.n: Y-your not mad or anything?

James: no im not mad.

Knowing that Y.n might try to make a deal with james i decided to chime in with my own advice.

Shade: Y.n what are you doing in there? You better not be talking to James Because if you are you might need to be Punished~

Y.n: I-I-im not T-talking to A-anyone A-anyone s-shade.

Shade: Your lying i know you are

James POV
I sat and watched Y.n. He cowered back behind me. even though his door was dented in such a way that it couldn't be opened anymore he was still scared of what shade might do to him.

James: Shade Please go back to your room your making Y.n uncomfortable.

Shade *muffled*: Or what tuff guy we all know that you can't win against me.... im gonna tear you to shreds.

James reached into his pocket pulling out a black remote with some buttons on it all labeled different things. James them moved his finger over two buttons. One said "restrain" and the other said "shade"

I watched as James pressed both the buttons and there was a loud whirring sound that came from the ceiling.



There was a loud bang and everything went quite.

James: well-    maybe now we can have a nice conversation. Come with me.

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