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Yoongi POV:



At the beginning, I didn't want to come. I wanted to stay in my bed. But now that I'm here, I glad that I came. It was a beautiful ceremony. And it makes me happy see my college friend this happy. As I look around I came to see Taehyung sitting in the next table across. He looks happy while eating his cake. I could tell that the surgeons did a good job on him. He looks as beautiful as he was in the picture I saw of him the first time. I saw him turn to his side and smile at someone. I couldn't see who it was he was smiling at, there was someone sitting in front them. But moment later that person stood up and walk way, leaven me my view open to see who it was. The moment I saw him, I felt my heart stop. It was the most beautiful thing I ever seen in my life. I couldnt stop staring at him. I was memories, or I could say more bewitch with his gorgeous face.  



Jimin POV:



We all sitting in our table, while we listen to Jin parents thanks the guess for coming. Me and Taehyung was eating cake again. It was strawberry and vanilla cake our favorite. While eating my cake, I look around the table. when all sudden, my eyes came to stop on the guy sitting in the next table across. He was staring at me intensely. I slowly lick my lips as I stare at him. I keep licking my lips every time I took a bit of my cake. The guy didnt even blink, as he still staring at me. I felt some crumbs of cake fall on me. I slowly stood up while still looking at him, while slowly sliding my hand from my chest, down to my thighs. As I pretend to wipe me off, while still looking at the guy. I knew I looked gorgeous. I was wearing a Floral Sherri Hill Two Piece white print dress with white knee tights and nude/pink pumps. Plus, I had perfect makeup on and I was rocking my new pink hair color.






I saw the guy eyes fallow my hand. The moment I stop my hands moments, his eyes lift up to meet mines. I saw his eyes were full of lust. I felt an electric shot travel through my body. All through the ceremony I could feel couple guys staring at me, but I didnt paid mind. But there was something about this guy that makes my body all tinkles with his stare. I wasnt going to lie, I found him really sexy and handsome. With his dark hair and white smooth face, while dress in white and black. It was a sexy, likes one of those dark knights that I had read in my stories books.



I sit back down, as I turn to look around. After a while, I couldnt help looking back at the guy. He was still there looking at me, with that instance stare. I started to feel my face turning red. I didnt want him to see me like this. So, I got up from the sit, pulling Taehyung with me. I gave one more look at the guy, then left while still pulling a confused Tae.




Yoongi POV:



I couldnt help travels my eyes all over his back as he walked away pulling a confused Tae. After I couldnt see them, I got up and walk the opposite way thru the double doors that leads to the backyard. I wanted to know who he was, but I wasnt in a rush. After a while of walking around the yard, I came back in. it was late, so I decided to go to my bedroom. Since Jungkook had rented the place for the hall weekend. He has assigned rooms to each family members.  I was the only one out the family that had a room. as I walk up the stairs, I came to find a drunk guy blocking the way as Tae and his gorgeous friend try to pass by, as the he guy grabs the friend arm. I saw Taehyung trying to hide behind his friend. As the guy started to pull them apart, but Taehyung put his arms around his friend waist and start crying. I walk up the last step and pull the guy around and slam him to the wall. I turn to look at crying Taehyung and his friend, "Do you know this guy."

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