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June 13,

    As we all walked closer to the strange dragon capsule we wondered if anyone was inside, if so we'd help them. I stepped closer and then a hand grabbed the door frame and we all jumped back. It was a woman coughing struggling to get out. "Are you okay ma'am?" i said while we all reached in to help her out. "where am i?" she said looking confused. "your at camp." Alex answered. "CAMP? no the coordinates were wrong. everything's wrong.We need to be at Pacidena."The woman said looking scared. "I-im sorry but we're not near Pacidena right now." Dariush said. "JPL!" the woman kept yelling. "JPL, the jeporal empultion labitory." Alex assuringly said.
     The lady then looked behind us and to the capsule, i looked back to see something coming out of it. "Take this. take it to JPL it has everything on it, take it!" the lady said while shoving the key into Alex's hands. "Go,Go,GO!" The lady screamed. "Your gonna die if we leave you!" Gabriel said. "Gabriel come on let's go!" I said while grabbing his hand and running.
      We started running towards the camp kitchen when i saw Alex stop and look at something "Alex we need to go now, Come on!" Gabriel screamed still running without letting go of my hand. We reached the kitchen trying to plan where to hide and they kept talking but i realized that Gabriel still hadn't let go of my hand.
     While Alex, Zhen, and Dariush were discussing where to hide i zoned out with the feeling of my heart beating out of my chest while staring at our hands. Gabriel looked at me then, looked down at our hands where i was looking then smiled, and brought me closer to him. I felt the most protected i ever had in my entire life, all my problems seemed to go away at the moment.
    I looked over to see the alien dog getting into the dining area, Gabriel led the way and took my hand signaling for all of us to follow him into the kitchen. I tried to call Zhenzhen over to me but Alex had her hand and they ran into a cabinet and got inside. Gabriel took my hand and we hid behind a table, and Dariush hid behind another table.
     I started to say something when the kitchen door busted open and i heard animal noises. I felt scared and started to freak out when Gabriel grabbed my shoulders and put his finger over my mouth making me be quiet, our eyes connected and i felt warm again when i felt him using his other hand to grab my hand. He pulled me into his chest while we waited for the alien dog to leave, but it was getting closer and closer to me but Gabriel never let go. I almost screamed until-
      I heard the noice of something like a bowl full of silverware drop. The dog turned and ran after Dariush as Gabriel put his hand off my mouth I sighed in relief. Dariush jumped through the dish washer which got the dog stuck in the right amount of time for us to make a plan, Zhen had an idea of locking it into the chimney. As soon as the dog got out of the dish washer it came charging after us, we ducked it and locked it into the latch.
"yes!" Gabriel says giving us all high fives. I swear I saw him wink at me so I just smiled back. We heard the bigger alien coming in so we all ran, Gabriel still had my hand in his and he led us to the a near by window and we all jumped out of it.
     Gabriel took my hand and led me under neath a stair case and Dariush, and I hid with him while Zhenzhen and Alex ran to a Portapotty. I started praying that we were all going to be okay and I had my eyes closed breathing fast. "Where is he?" Gabriel asked. I was closets to the stairs so I looked and held my breathe of shock. I just looked at Gabriel with tears filling my eyes and looked back at the aliens feet stepping on the stairs. I felt a hand grab mine. "It's okay I won't let anything hurt you, i promise." Gabriel whispered in my ear which made my whole body go numb.
     I looked back up to see the alien look at the portapotty and run towards it. "No zhenzhen!" My voice cracked. "Come on they will be okay!" Dariush said as we climbed back under the stairs and started running again. Gabriel and I were still holding hands and I heard the noice of metal denting. I looked up at the chimney to see the baby alien coming out. "Oh shit!" I yelled as the boys looked back. The dog began chasing us and Gabriel led us back to the capsule. "Get in!" He yelled to Dariush, and Dariush jumped in. "Hurry go!" Gabriel told me. I knew Gabriel wasn't gonna go before no matter how much I convinced him so I pushed him into the capsule and closed the door. "NO!" Gabriel screamed. "I'll be okay Gabe I have to get Zhen and Alex!" I saw the dog coming towards me when I hid behind a tree and saw the dog distracted by the capsule so I took the shot and ran towards Zhen and Alex and hugged them. "Hurry we need to get the boys!" I yelled running back. The dog then looked at us and came running towards us, so we hid behind the capsule. Zhen and Alex were on one side and I was on the other. The dog was right by my neck when I heard Gabriel scream "Hurry help her!" While Buttons were being pushed. "Dude stop pushing buttons" Dariush yelled, then Gabe pushed him back onto a latch that caused fire to come out on my end of the capsule at perfect timing it burned the dog to death. I sighed in relief and heard Alex and Zhen screaming in joy.
     I stayed sitting against the capsule relieved when I heard the door pop back open and saw Gabriel jump out and run towards me. I stood up and he almost knocked me to the ground while embracing me. "Don't you ever do that again. That should've  been me. I don't know what I would've done if u got hurt." He said while still hugging me. I laughed and hugged him tighter "I had to, i lost my first bestfriend I couldn't loose Zhen." He looked at me with a confused hurt face but I just shook it off and said "I'll explain later." He nodded and we all hugged but interrupted but the bigger alien.
We began running but it was just faster than us and eventually caught up to us and tackled Dariush. I swear he has the worse luck. We screamed in fear when a space ship flew by and shot the alien multiple times making it die. We all got up in disgust (especially Dariush) and cussed a few words. While Dariush gagged a little in the corner. I couldn't help but laugh..
    Alex studied the creature while we wiped the slime off of us. "Oh no." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "What now?" I said looking back at him. "This creature is the alpha and unkillable." He said in a scared way. "What are you talking about carrot top it's literally dead right now, your trippin." Dariush said while kicking the alien. "I would trust the one that's known everything so far." I said while crossing my arms. "So what this things gonna track us down and not stop  or something?" I asked while crossing my arms. "Basically, he knows our scent so we should probably get going." Alex said walking over to us. "I think we should just change clothes and get someone to take our old ones somewhere a little further away and stay here for the night, get some sleep and maybe even something to eat." I said while taking off my book sack and getting another pair of clothes out. "That sounds like a good idea I'll bring the clothes to the river." Alex said while holding his watch. "So were just gonna ignore the fact that and alien just stuck it's tongue down my throat and threw up all over me!" Dariush said while pointing at his face. "How do you know that was his tongue you don't know their anatomy?" Alex said crossing his arms.
    "W-what? A-are you saying?" douche asked the boy. "I'm saying it was probably not his tounge." He said. "I had an alien dick in my mouth!!?" Douche said while cussing up a storm. "We don't have much time for this now we all need to change and give the clothes to Alex." I said trying to calm down douche. I walked up to him and touched his shoulder but he pushed me back causing me to fall.
     Gabriel flipped and grabbed douche but his throat and pinned him up against the wall "don't ever touch her again!" He said about to punch him again. I stood up and grabbed Gabe's arm and pulled him back " I'm fine he's just frustrated, we all are." Dariush continued to run his mouth and complain so Gabe cracked again "Will you quit Bitchin! I mean between my fist and that aliens dick your mouth should be worn out by now!" Gabe said getting all up in Dariush's face. Until surprisingly Zhen stepped up and slapped all of the boys in one slap. "What the fuck." Douche said while holding his face. "Why are you hitting me?!" Alex yelled. "Shut up!" Zhen yelled. "What we do in life echos in eternity. Pull the line, stay with me. If you find yourself alone riding in green fields with the sun in your face do not be troubled." I stayed behind her laughing my ass off. "Since when does she speak?" Gabriel said
      I just smirked, Dariush shut up and we all went into different cabins and changed clothes. Everyone came back out and handed their clothes to Alex...

*okay so I wanted to write more to this but it got really long. But the next chapter I am adding my own twists and it's going to be CRAZY. Gabriel and summer are gonna have alone time. Which ones gonna fall for the other first?... also ik this movie is almost basically over so I just wanna clarify that I will have a sequel of their lives after they save the world and what will happen next summer?

Okay I'm getting ahead of myself but I'm just tryna say that I have just got to the point where I wanted in the story to start changing it up and making it extra crazy!

Give me your opinions xoxo <3*

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